Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Entrepreneur Give Back Day One Free Idea For Your Small Business Or Start Up



It's that time of year again. Entrepreneurs give back some of their knowledge to other small businesses for free.

If you need a blog article written for free, contact us.

If you need an idea for your brand, send us an email.

Are you looking to get more traffic to your website, that's our specialty. Just send us an email.

It doesn't matter what industry you are in, we can try to help.

There is no idea too small. We were in your shoes at one time too.

There is NO COST or OBLIGATION. Nobody will solicit you after we give you your free idea.

This is simply a way of showing our gratitude to the community.

Monday, April 12, 2021

How To Track Third Party Cookie Blocking Browsers

 Private Browsers Are Visiting Your Site

Want to see them? 



Web browsers like Brave, Firefox, Tor (and soon Google's Chrome) block all third party cookies.  That means your web analytics cannot see these visitors on your website.

Traffic Catch lets you see every time a visitor using a private browser like Brave, Firefox, Tor (and yes Chrome) lands on your site.

Web analytics for private browsers 

What does that REALLY MEAN?

You cannot tell if an ad is effective, what YouTube video is getting traction, what affiliate is sending you the most traffic.

You are completely in the dark when it comes to who is visiting your website and from where!

Traffic Catch is the ONLY web analytics that doesn't use third party cookies. That means EVERY private browser that visits your site is identified!


Web analytics for private browsers
Now you can see those private browsers like Brave, Firefox and Tor when they visit your site. The best part of all is you can see where they came from, what pages on your site they visited and how many times they came back.
Don't believe it? 
Here is the proof.
So get started seeing every private browser that visits your site today with the ONLY web analytics solution that can see EVERY browser on your site.
Get Traffic Catch today.