Thursday, December 06, 2007

The Sun And Keely Hazell Adopt Mobile Barcodes

The Sun and News Group International launched an 8-page promotion on using QR codes and mobile phones titled How To Crack QR Smart Codes
(can FOX be far behind from implementation?)
Keeley Hazell
A Quick Response code is a new kind of barcode that contains loads more info because it is two dimensional.

It’s a smart code that will hyperlink you to the mobile internet.

The way it does this is simple. There’s a URL encoded in the QR code that a new mobile phone application called i-nigma first decodes then launches the browser in your mobile to find.

All you need is a phone with a camera and an internet service.

You can get loads of great stuff such as the news, The Sun’s Page 3 or the latest goals from the Premiership without having to type anything in.

The i-nigma scans just like a check-out scanner, only there’s no infra-red light.

To download the i-nigma reader.
Try creating your own mobile code

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