I published the Case Western Bar Code story before, but this article gives more details.
A group of Masters of Engineering Management (MEM) students is working to implement a 2D bar code system on campus this semester. This trial is the first of its kind in the nation
These bar codes can be read by almost any phone with a camera and the ability to access the Internet using a program called ScanLife. ScanLife turns the average cell phone into a bar code reader.
Here's the really valuable part. Imagine the value (for consumers and advertisers) of knowing all of the codes you clicked on and storing on a "MyCode" or "MyScan" portal? Opportunities are huge for this.
Students using the ScanLife program need to sign up for the service at www.mobilediscovery.com using a valid Case e-mail address. The MobileDiscovery website keeps track of scan history for the user's phone as well as the most popular scans overall.
Alltel, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon are all participating in this trial, and phones from some other services can be used as well.
Here's what I would do if I was Scanlife. (owned by ScanBuy)
Each user that downloads the application gets their own "MyScan" site.
Everytime I scan a mobile bar code, the action is registered and linked to this site. When I am at home on my PC I can check out what I scanned for more detailed information about that product/code.
Nobody will read any lengthy document, or video on their cellphone. Scanning a mobile code is spontaneous, advertisers can continue the relationship with the scanner on their PC. Brand X knows when and where you scanned their mobile code. Pay-per-scan information trumps pay-per-click don't you think?
Can you see why Google should be looking at ScanBuy?

GOOG's Android platform ZXing will not decipher proprietary barcodes. They are much closer in relation to deploying Kaywa than they are to ScanLife.
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