Tuesday, December 13, 2011

TV Commerce An Investing Trend To watch

To make better than average returns in the stock market, you need to find upcoming investing trends and the companies that have the competitive advantage in them.

My "BigStockular", the tool that helped me turn $10k into $2.8m in 2 years is constantly spotting both investing trends and the companies in them. I show you how you can build your own Big Stockular in my book How To Find Big Stocks

One of the investing trends I am watching is TV Commerce. Your TV is turning into an interactive ecommerce display and with it will come lots of disruptive technologies. As an example of things I see as being disruptive:

1. when Youtube increases videos to 30 minutes it (Youtube) will compete with prime time viewing

2. hyperlinks embedded into videos will provide additional revenue for TV shows (including reruns)

I am seeing more news stories feature TV commerce which is giving me lots of great investing ideas. In fact in my book I devote an entire chapter to "what happens when the TV is Internet enabled and the screen is a dynamic hyperlink"

TV Commerce ..one to watch

Find great investing ideas with this tool. HowToFindBigStocks.com

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