Here is how to treat ulcerative colitis without medication.
RELAX...ulcerative colitis can be STOP WORRYING!
I was right where you are today. You feel hopeless and maybe you're starting to think some dark thoughts.
There is hope...and here it is.
Here are the 3 steps to cure ulcerative colitis.
- Understand what it is and causes it.
- Determine EVERYTHING that is threatening your subconscious mind
- Reprogram your subconscious mind (SM)
First, YOU MUST REALIZE that ulcerative colitis is considered a "condition", which means it can be changed.
Any condition that ends in an "itis" relates to an inflammatory condition.
The medical community adds an "itis" to the end of a COMMON condition to make them sound more severe.
If you want to get yourself even more worked up, here is where you can read the definition of ulcerative colitis. (hint I wouldn't)
Want to feel better?
There are roughly 2-4 MILLION of us that have or had this condition.
Did you notice I said "HAD"?...because it can be cured.
That number skyrocketed during Covid...why?
The number of people that got shingles also exploded....fear or anxiety was at an all time high for our society.
Don't you find it odd that your body can mend a broken bone, heal a deep cut, but that annoying rash won't go away?
The Best & Fastest Ulcerative Colitis Treatment WITHOUT medication
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Let me tell you what causes ulcerative colitis (UC).
When you were born, you had 2 fears that were automatically programmed in to you. The fear of heights and the fear of loud noises.
As you grew up, you LEARNED all of your other fears.
(This is the only science part I will offer..I promise)...
We all have 2 minds, a conscious mind and a subconscious mind.
The conscious mind is what we use to learn things. (5% of brain activity)
The subconscious mind is programmed to keep us alive. (95% of your brain activity).
As a baby, you came into this world and your SM kicked in your breathing and all of the other neat bodily functions.
The first one you were aware of was KEEP YOU ALIVE.
So...your conscious mind LEARNED how to satisfy this need by sucking on a nipple. That was probably the very first thing your conscious mind learned.
Example: When you first learned how to drive a car, you had to use your conscious mind to really think how to this. The more you drove, the less you had to think....see where this is going?
Now when you drive, you are actually using your subconscious mind.
You know that phrase, "I do it without even thinking about it"...yup that is your subconscious mind in action.
Here is the nutty is ALWAYS thinking, even when you're sleeping.
When you're born, your subconscious mind (SM) is working 24/7 to look for ANY threat that could end your life.
It controls the functions of your body like breathing, sweating...and yes pooping (we'll get to that in a bit).
Ever hear that phrase "fight or flight"?
That is EXACTLY what the SM is programmed to do..
It AUTOMATICALLY will prepare the body to fight or flight in certain life threatening situations.
Now...are you ready to be blown away?
When you watch a horror movie and you get scared and flinch...THAT is your SM at work. You're sitting in your chair knowing full well that axe murderer isn't going to to kill you, but your SM doesnt know that.
Your SM cannot determine the difference between a real or fake life threatening situation...
When your boss calls you in his office, when you have to give a speech, or try to ask a pretty girl for their phone number..what happens?
You heart starts beating faster, blood flows from your internal organs to your legs or face. It is getting your body ready to run from this threat or get ready to fight.
These are all preprogrammed conditions, which you CANNOT control.
Well when we are about to face a "life threatening" situation like an IRS audit, we get stressed out and produce cortisol.
Cortisol is a steroid naturally produced in your body to reduce inflammation. Well your body just cranked up the production of it for this event.
Ok the meeting with your boss is over, the speech is over and the girl tells you to pound sand...what happens next?
Heart rate goes back down, you stop threatening situation is over....the cortisol producing stops or slows way down.
What happens when the event never ends?
What is happening to you with UC is that your SM THINKS your life is under a constant threat and it is trying to save you.
The SM takes EVERY threat as life threatening..even though they aren't. (losing your job, getting a divorce etc).
Here is the problem..instead of your heart racing it is trying to "save you" by getting your attention in another way(s).
In your case, it is the uncontrollable urge to go to the bathroom.
If it REALLY wants to get your attention, it will make those bowel movements bloody. Blood in the toilet WILL GET your attention.
That is your SM telling you.."hey, fix this problem!!!"
Here is how to stop a ulcerative colitis flare up, or keep having them without taking drugs.
There is a stressful situation in your life that is never ending...YOU are causing it...and YOU CAN FIX IT.
Whether you realize it or not, your SM sees something that feels is life threatening and keeping you in the fight or flight state.
Your body is CONSTANTLY fighting this threat and producing cortisol.
2. You need to determine what your SM is afraid of.
Your body is in a CONSTANT state of fight or flight mode and you need to address what it is afraid of.
If you're saying to yourself..."nothing is bothering me". You're not being truthful.
This is really important ok?
You need to write down EVERYTHING that is causing you to be angry or afraid.
When you write down your thoughts, you are bringing them out from the SM to the CM. The conscious mind can now see what is really bothering you.
Don't lie to yourself when doing won't work if you aren't truthful.
Start with the phrase "I am afraid of", or "I really hate" and just start writing.
Write down EVERY little thing that is bothering you. You will be amazed at where this takes you.
You're trying to get at what your SM is afraid of..anger is another form of fear too.
This process should take a an hour or two.
As you start writing everything that is bothering you, you're going to IMMEDIATELY start to feel better..I PROMISE YOU!!
I don't want to get all technical with you here, but what you are doing is expressing repressed feelings. It is called cathartic.
Yes, it is a form of is the BEST therapy for this condition.
You are sharing your problems with your best friend, YOU.
What you are also doing is getting them on paper so they are visible. This reduces their control of you.
Don't be surprised if you start to shed a tear. This process is VERY emotional. It needs to be.
You NEED to find out what your SM is constantly fearing.
The FASTEST Ulcerative Colitis Treatment Without Medicine
3. Reprogram you subconscious mind to treat ulcerative colitis.
Let me stress this is NOT the same thinking as positive thinking. Positive thinking just masks the problem, we want to FIX IT.
That thing that sits on the top of your shoulders is the most powerful computer you will ever own or use.
The problem is that you were never given a manual on how to use it.
I am going to show you how.
You call tech support or the Geek Squad to make your computer run faster or get rid of viruses.
What I do is help people make their subconscious mind run better and get rid of "emotional" viruses.
(if you need help, send an email to)
Get ulcerative colitis help
Right now picture your computer with numerous pages open. You can only see the page that is open but your computer is using power and memory to run ALL of those other pages.
That slows down your computer and can sometimes force it to be rebooted.
When you write down your problems on paper (or on a digital document), what you are doing is closing each window that is running on your computer.
It is freeing up is also freeing you. TRUST ME. closed all of the open tabs and your "computer" is running better.
Now we need to reprogram the subconscious mind.
Would you believe it is easier than learning how to drive a car?
Or algebra, the SATs...(insert anything you have ever had to study).
Why is reprogramming your subconscious mind so easy?
Because YOU know YOU. You know what makes you tick.
YOU know what you fear or what angers you.
You can LEARN how to change these.
Do you want to control your ulcerative colitis?
Do you want a better life?
I promise you that once you learn how to reprogram your mind, you can control your UC....
In fact, your entire life will be better.
I have helped hundreds of people get control of their UC (and psoriasis, dermatitis, rosacea and many more issues.
Are you ready for help?