Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Bill Gates Highlights Physical World Connection

Bill Gates is highlighting the value of the barcode and a camera phone again.

Microsoft just scooped up Third Screen Media for their mobile advertising platform, I wonder if Bill has his eyes on any of these

The D4 All Things Digital Conference started yesterday and the Center for Citizen Media blog has a nice summary

I’m at the Wall Street Journal’s D4 All Things Digital conference, where Bill Gates was talking last evening about the future of mobile phones that handle many other functions including video, writing, etc.

He referred to these gadgets as — I’m not joking — “Reality Acquisition Devices” that will, if I understood him correctly, be used to connect digitally to various stuff, such as using the phone to read product bar codes to learn more about the product

Personally I like the term physical world hyperlink better.

I think he was referring to Microsoft's Aura Project or their recently introduced Photo2Search application. Both applications involve scanning an image or code (barcode) via camera phone to information on the Internet.

D4 All Things Digital Conference offers the chance to meet the movers and shakers who are at the forefront of the digital revolution and get a firsthand look at new technologies.

Vinod Khosla, Founder, Partner of Khosla Ventures and sponsor of the Carnival of the Mobilists, will be speaking.

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