Wednesday, November 28, 2007

CamClic Connects 1D Bar Codes To Internet For Pharmaceutical Industry

Today the pharmaceutical industry, what next?

Brand managers and mobile marketing agencies should be excited about the ability to "turn on" any product using a camera phone and the already printed 1D bar code.

Now any item with a 1D barcode can be connected to the Internet, delivering relevant information and creating an interactive experience. CamClic delivers permission granted mobile marketing.
CamClic allows anyone to create AND scan 1D barcodes (in addition to 2D codes) with a camera phone.

The billions of 1d bar codes that already exist on products, and newly created 2d codes from consumers and content creators, when scanned with a camera phone (Physical World Connection), have the ability to disrupt the advertising industry.

The CamClic solution has solved one of the biggest hurdles of Physical World Connection, scanning a 1d code with a mobile phone.

As the global leader in mobile e-packing of products and brands, CamClic now starts enabling the Real World Web for all brand owners around the world, starting with Sweden. With a free service with both publishing tools and mobile software for CamClics customers, the opportunity for the world brand owners is huge in turning their standard consumer goods packages into on-line consumer communicators.

In Sweden all the pharmaceutical packages are now "turned on" since a project with this branch started in the late summer. When a patient or user reads the 1D barcode with CamClic in his mobile phone, additional pharmaceutical information will be shown together with other information and special product services. In the future it will be possible for the pharmaceutical companies to stop distributing the product manual and instead distribute a electronic version with CamClic and the 1D barcode. The costs saved in stop printing manuals will be huge together with saving the environment.

CamClic will revolutionize the pharmaceutical industry - together with all other product industries - during the forthcoming years. The standard consumer goods packages will now contain on-line additional information and services through the 1D barcode - the already existing Real World Web hyperlink. (full story)

Here's why I think CamClic's model could really take off. Brands can encourage consumers to click on their barcodes for info/coupons etc and consumers can also click on codes and form their own hyperlink, or social network community.


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Google Enters The "Store"Age With GDrive

Google's GDrive has the potential to disrupt the PC, storage, virus, and a few other industries. Who wins and who loses?

In 1980, Steve Balmer's mother said "Why would a person ever need a computer?". Soon all you will need is a keyboard and monitor.

The transformation of computer processing is going online, so why shouldn't our data be stored online too? There is a tipping point of sorts here for Google. Up until now they have been great at providing access to data on the Net, but now they are attempting to provide you access to YOUR data.

You can get by if one of Google's applications is offline, or if their search engine doesn't give you the desired results, but could you survive if GDrive failed?


From WSJ Online Google Plans Service to Store Users' Data

Google Inc. wants to offer consumers a new way to store their files on its hard drives, in a strategy that could accelerate a shift to Web-based computing and intensify the Internet company's competition with Microsoft Corp.

Google is preparing a service that would let users store on its computers essentially all of the files they might keep on their personal-computer hard drives -- such as word-processing documents, digital music, video clips and images, say people familiar with the matter. The service could let users access their files via the Internet from different computers and mobile devices when they sign on with a password, and share them online with friends.

Why won't it work for Google?

Until Google offers real time technical support, consumers will not trust storing their data with an email based tech support service. If Google expects to offer a "we will store your data" service, they must implement a 24 hour tech support line.

I expected Microsoft, Verisign, Dell or even local ISPs (trusted names) to come out with an online storage service. Store your data for a fee based on size or time. Verisign would access your computer daily (or at a time you request) and backup any new data.
You could then access your data from any computer. In addition, your storage provider would be in charge of updating for new viruses and scan regularly.

Because Google's tech support is non-existent, I would rather store my data with my ISP. I can reach my ISP 24/7 if there's a problem.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Luna IntroducesBlitzkap, A Mobile Bar Code Solution

Add Luna Development to the list of mobile barcode companies.

Luna Development today announced the introduction to North America of Luna Blitzkap, a set of Quick Response (QR) code®(1) applications for devices based on Windows Mobile® software. QR codes are two-dimensional images similar to barcodes that allow mobile device users to capture a variety of information directly from a printed source with their camera-equipped mobile phone.Luna

Luna Blitzkap™ is a QR reader that works with any Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0 or Windows Mobile 6 device. The reader can read QR codes and then, depending on the code, offer the user the option of saving the text, calling a phone number, connecting to a website, sending an SMS Message or Emails and storing contact information.

Create your own QR Codes with their QRender application.

Leveraging the flexible Windows Mobile-based development platform, Luna designed the solution to provide businesses with a cutting-edge marketing tool that provides consumers with fast and direct access to digital content, setting a new standard for interactivity and convenience. Luna is working closely with major mobile operators in Canada and the U.S. to deliver the Luna QR solution to North American users.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Solar Powered RFID, Solar Paint

Solar Powered RFID Tracking

Lockheed Martin subsidiary Savi Technology has begun deploying solar-powered Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) readers and signposts, saving energy and negating the need for installing electrical infrastructure in remote areas.

Designed for use in the defense and commercial sectors, the solar-powered signposts activate RFID tags attached to vehicles or pieces of equipment.

Solar Paint Yields Cheaper Power

What does Google invest in? (also named Popular Science's Innovation Of The Year)

NanoSolar produces its PowerSheet solar cells with printing-press-style machines that set down a layer of solar-absorbing nano-ink onto metal sheets as thin as aluminum foil, so the panels can be made for about a tenth of what current panels cost and at a rate of several hundred feet per minute.

With backing from Google’s founders and $20 million from the U.S. Department of Energy, Nanosolar’s first commercial cells rolled off the presses this year.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Google AdWords Launches 2D Codes For Print Ads

It's official. We can finally add Google to the list of mobile barcode players.

Google is now considered a Physical World Connection player and adoption is set to occur.

Google AdWords have introduced 2D Codes For Print Ads
google 2d code
Google is set to make print advertising more useful for readers and more measurable for advertisers.

2D barcodes are an especially exciting part of this because they allow readers to "click" on interesting print ads with their cellphones and seamlessly connect to relevant online content.

This 2D barcode says "" in a format called a QR Code. Another popular format is called DataMatrix.

Selected 2D barcode decoding software: (for Nokia devices only)

Friday, November 16, 2007

Decline In Starbucks Traffic Could Tell A Bigger Story

A tipping point occurred last week for both one of our fastest growing retailers and the economy.starbucks

The 1 percent drop in traffic at Starbucks stores open at least 13 months marked the first time the company has seen such a decline.

Going to Starbucks is more than just getting a cup of coffee, but an unique experience.

So why is their traffic declining? Some options:

1. People are choosing other coffee (America runs on Dunkin)
2. Energy drinks cutting into coffee consumption.
3. Is a $3 cup of coffee a luxury item?
4. More places are offering Wi-Fi, less traffic for StarBux.

Which one, or is it the combination of all?

Will the Starbucks latte theory be another gauge of our economy now?

Why do you think traffic is down?

Repackaged Mortgages Fuel Lender Crisis

As though the foreclosure/mortage crisis isn't bad enough.
Bloomberg has a disturbing story about another potential crisis for the mortgage industry.

The S&P 500 Financials Index of 93 companies also dropped after Deutsche Bank AG, Germany's biggest bank, lost an effort to foreclose on 14 properties because a federal judge in Cleveland found the bank hadn't proved that investors in the underlying mortgages actually owned them.

The Oct. 31 ruling from U.S. District Court Judge Christopher A. Boyko in Cleveland could jeopardize efforts by lenders to foreclose. It also could mean that homeowners might get more time to resolve their debts while lenders handle the intricacies of getting custody of documents for mortgages that are rolled into securities and sold to investors.

The ruling, if adopted by other federal courts, may complicate efforts by investors in mortgage securities to foreclose on non-paying loans.

CleanTech Investment Analysis

Over two years, Alliance Bernstein analysts conducted more than 500 visits and interviews with companies, consultants, scientists and legislators. They just released their CleanTech investment analysis.CleanTech

I highlighted the key points.

-a sizeable investment opportunity is emerging for coal power equipment manufacturers and companies that build power plants and coal producers.

-cleaning up coal power will be critical for reducing emissions. Many inefficient coal plants will be closed; others will be retrofitted for carbon capture.

-Capturing, compressing and storing CO2 from coal and natural gas power plants as well as some factories will create new industries. We expect spending on injection and storage of CO2 to reach $10bn by 2015 and leap to $80bn by 2030.

-As carbon constraints boost electricity prices from other sources, nuclear power will become the lowest-cost source of electricity. This will lead to a near tripling of nuclear capacity by 2030

-Our research suggests it will require a technological breakthrough that is at least 10 years away for solar to become cost competitive. We think solar investments are becoming overvalued.

-While the map of the power industry is redrawn, a push for energy efficiency could help reduce CO2 emissions. This will create attractive investment opportunities in makers of electronic components for industrial motor systems, home appliances and cars.

To read the full report.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Top 12 Areas For Technology Innovation By 2025

I encourage printing this post and keeping it handy.

Consulting firm Social Technologies has a great set of 12 briefs this month that shed light on the top areas for technology innovation through 2025. Consider this list an investing "crystal ball".

pondering primate


1. Personalized medicine—With the initial mapping of the human genome, scientists are moving rapidly toward the following likely breakthroughs for gene-based products and services:
• creation of an individual’s genome map for a retail price of less than $1,000
• correlation of specific genes and proteins with specific cancers, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and diabetes, which will allow both physicians and patients to anticipate, plan for, and mitigate, if not cure, DNA-based health challenges
• development of pharmaceuticals that treat gene-based diseases, replacing surgeries and chemotherapy

2. Distributed energy (DE) (The Next Internet)—The evolution of distributed energy will reflect that of computing: just as computing has migrated from the 20th century’s centralized model (powerful mainframes delivering applications to remote workstations) to today’s decentralized model (PCs and networks), so energy generation and delivery will move from central sources to DE, increasingly featuring local generators that can be linked when needed for greater output. Specific innovations will include:
• advanced electric storage devices and batteries at all scales
• new power systems with source-switching flexibility
• new energy management systems

3. Pervasive computing—(Physical World Connection)Almost every device or object in consumers’ lives will be both smart and networked, giving rise to an “Internet of things.” Pervasive computing will drive the convergence of computing, Internet access, voice communications, and television—ultimately blurring categories of infotech products and services. Specific breakthroughs will include:
• very simple and inexpensive computing devices with integrated wireless telephone and Internet capabilities (the worldwide $100 computer)
• the “semantic Web,” enabled by Web data that automatically self-organizes based on its content, allowing search tools or software agents to identify the actual relevance of Web pages—not just find keywords on them
• intelligent interfaces, in some cases enabled by virtual reality

4. Nanomaterials—Although nanotechnologies have received much attention, the R&D is progressing very slowly. But the experts expect major breakthroughs within the next two decades, including inexpensive ways to produce mass quantities of nanomaterials. In addition, the function of nanomaterials will move from “passive” to “active” with the integration of nanoscale valves, switches, pumps, motors, and other components.

5. Biomarkers for health—While DNA-based diagnoses and cures have long been under the spotlight, this category of breakthroughs stresses prevention. Consumers today believe their lifestyle choices have long-term consequences for health, and at the same time they are becoming more knowledgeable about the life sciences. They want to be able to monitor their vital signs, broadly defined, in ways that are as affordable, easy to use, and private as home scales for monitoring weight. Potential breakthroughs here include:
individualized, private, and self-administered diagnostics for multiple physical parameters such as blood sugar, urine, C-reactive proteins, HDL, and LDL, as well as home diagnostic kits that detect early signs of diabetes, heart disease, and types of cancers
• personalized exercise equipment and regimens that deliver customized benefits (for weight control, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc.)
• advanced CAT scans, MRIs, and brain scans to identify disorders earlier and more accurately at less cost

6. Biofuels—The expert panel felt strongly that significant further advances will be made in renewable biomass fuels, allowing them to supplement and eventually replace gasoline and diesel. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) may be key to the development of biofuels. Anticipated breakthroughs include:
• high-energy (as measured in British thermal units, or Btu) blends of gasoline and diesel with biofuels (beyond the ethanol blends known today)
• biomass production of a methanol that can be used as a fuel for fuel cells
• new discoveries in plant genetics and biotechnologies specifically for energy content

7. Advanced manufacturing—The long-term trend continues to favor “mass customization,” or the ability to produce low quantities of specific products in a profitable and high-quality way. Such processes may apply not just to factory manufacturing, but to many applications—potentially ranging from desktop publishing to specialty foods production. The experts anticipated the following breakthroughs by 2025:
• advanced computer-aided design and control
• multiple variable and inexpensive sensors linked with computers
• expert systems and advanced pattern-recognition software for very tight quality control

8. Universal water—Water is becoming increasingly scarce. Less than 2% of the planet’s ample store of water is fresh, and much of that is threatened by pollution. The future of universal water is simple: use less; keep the available freshwater clean; and make more freshwater from saltwater to offset critical shortfalls. Enabling technologies will include:
• ultra-fine filters (probably from nanotechnology)
new energy sources for desalination and purification, including hybrid systems that combine conventional and alternative power—especially solar power
• smart water-use technologies for agriculture and industry

9. Carbon management—Discussions about mitigating climate change have focused on controlling greenhouse gases, yet methane and carbon dioxide, to name two principal greenhouse gases, are presently more difficult to measure and control than previous air pollutants. The expert panel, however, anticipates that technologies currently in R&D will prove to be effective for these gases—and that this area of work will be extremely important to consumers of all types:
• effective “measure, monitor, and verify” systems
• affordable and effective carbon capture and storage technologies and systems for coal-burning power plants
• low to zero emission controls for transportation

10. Engineered agriculture—This area of DNA-based R&D is closely related to innovations in personalized medicine and biofuels, but with applications in agriculture and nutrition. Potential breakthroughs include:
• identification of specific genomes for desired growing and use qualities
• crop-produced pharmaceuticals and chemical feedstocks
crops designed specifically for energy content and conversion

11. Security and tracking—Although the experts gave less weight to breakthroughs for national security and counterterrorism than to those for consumer products and services (probably a result of how the topic question was framed), they envisioned a continued need for personal safety and security systems, above and beyond those of governments. Examples of potential breakthroughs in the personal-security realm include:
• completely autonomous security-camera systems with algorithms able to correctly interpret and identify all manner of human behavior
• multiple integrated sensors (including remote sensing)
radio frequency (RF) tags for people and valuables(Physical World Hyperlinks)

12. Advanced transportation—In addition to the consideration of energy sources for private transportation, the experts identified potentially significant breakthroughs in the management of private transportation, as well as advances in public transportation. These include:
• organized and coordinated personal transportation through wireless computer networks, information systems, and Internet access
• onboard sensors and computers for smart vehicles
• advanced high-speed rail

Trends, drivers, and challenges ahead
How fast will these breakthroughs spread to consumers around the world? “That depends on social, economic, and regulatory factors,” Chiavetta says.

Drivers include the growing global population and resulting pressures on energy and natural resources, urbanization, aging populations which require more resources from both government and society—in particular, baby boomer demands for longevity and good health—and advances in information and communications technology, biotechnology, and nanotechnology.

The Next Internet?

The Internet is major disruptive technology. This "grid" changed how content is created and distributed. The ability to create and distribute energy is ready to be disrupted.

Another "grid" is set to change energy production and distribution.
joule meter
Imagine the opportunities when devices, connected to the Net, can be monitored and controlled from remote locations. Combine this with the ability to distribute energy from existing or renewable sources.

From Tech Review Gadgets To Spur Energy Conservation

About a thousand participants in ConsumerPowerline's energy-conservation program will receive small plug-in boxes that glow red when power demand peaks, urging them to turn off space heaters, defer dishwasher runs, or otherwise save electricity.

Energy suppliers respond to spikes in demand by gearing up extra production capacity. That can be so expensive that many utilities are willing to pay to promote conservation during periods of peak use.

ConsumerPowerline pays apartment complexes, companies, and institutions to conserve on cue, then resells the resulting "negawatts"--reduction in demand--to utilities in New York, Massachusetts, and California.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What's Next For Mobile Services

Forbes highlights what's next for mobile services.
U.S. Importing Asian Cellular Sophistication

Japan and South Korea have spent years pushing innovation on the third screen, enabling phones to act as wallets, TVs and advertising vehicles. U.S. mobile operators, meanwhile, have focused on expanding and improving their service networks,mobile barcode sticking to basic services, such as text messaging.

That's changing. Over the next six months, U.S. carriers are gearing up to launch several waves of new cellular services.

Mark Donovan, a senior analyst at M:Metrics
is more bullish on two-dimensional barcodes.

A hit in Japan, the codes are being used to build a bridge between physical items—from roadside billboards to magazine print ads—to the virtual world. Their square, black-and-white, mottled patterns hold about 10 times more data than the familiar, skinny barcodes and can be printed on paper in ink or displayed as pixels on a screen.

Next year, the codes will get their first wide release in America.

ScanBuy , a New York-based wireless commerce developer, has convinced Sprint to do a six-month trial of the technology beginning as early as January. Other major carriers are considering making the technology available on their phones and networks, too

Monday, November 12, 2007

Intel's Penryn Chips, Cable Regulations, Paid YouTube Service


Intel Shifts from Silicon To Halfnium For Penryn Chips

Intel is building transistors in the chips from a material called hafnium instead of silicon dioxide, an industry mainstay since the 1960s. Smaller, faster and eco-friendly.

These chips dramatically increase computing performance and boost applications such as high-definition video over the Internet.

FCC Brings New Restrictions To Regulate The Unregulated Cable Industry

Under a proposed rule circulating at the FCC, cable companies such as Comcast and Time Warner Cable would have to slash the price they charge smaller television programmers to lease access on spare cable channels, a move the FCC says would open up cable viewers to a wider diversity of shows.

YouTube Offers Ad-Free Service?

2400 consumers, called the End of Advertising Survey, that found that 11% of respondents would pay a small fee to remove advertisements from their online video viewing experience. A YouTube Premium subscription option? It could make sense.

Google To Trial QR Codes With Print Advertisers

The cat is out of the bag. You didn't think Google would let trillions of physical world hyperlinks go untapped did you?

Wubbahed at MobileCampNYC, describes Google's sneak peek at ZXing (Zebra Crossing), the barcode reader Google is planning to include in the Android SDK being released on Monday.

"The most important thing I pulled out of the presentation is that Google is going to trial QR codes with print advertisers. This shows that Google is going to start actively pushing bar codes, but more importantly, it shows that they’re moving more into the print area, even if it is just to link people to online services."

See how Google Connects The Physical World with a mobile phone.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Carbon Tax, Carbon Emission Rate Alarming, Dollar No Longer Preferred Currency, Virtualization Hardware

Portland Unveils Carbon Tax Plan

Another revenue stream for cities?

Carbon Dioxide Emissions Rising At Alarming Rate

Carbon dioxide — the greenhouse gas considered most responsible for global warming — has been emitted into the Earth's atmosphere at a dramatically accelerating pace since 2000

I Would Like That In Euros Please

Supermodel Gisele Bundchen a financial trendsetter? Euro preferred currency over US Dollar.

Virtualization Of Switching Hardware

According to Cisco, combining the switches multiplies the bandwidth on the network--and this can reach 1.44 terabits per second (tbps)--because those that are "virtualized" are seen as a single node with one IP address.

Electric Motors Go Green

Billions of dollars are wasted on electricity that is being provided, but not required.

There are fuel efficient cars, but what about electric efficient motors?

Reducing the amount of electricity delivered to electric motors is considered a renewable energy and represents a huge CleanTech opportunity.

Disruptive technology that determines and delivers the appropriate amount of power (dynamically) to the millions of electric motors in industrial and consumer appliances will eliminate billions of dollars of wasted electricity, excessive CO2 emissions, and brings the electric motor into the digital age.

While Detroit and Silicon Valley invest billions in new technologies for the combustion engine (and fuel for it), a tiny company with renewable energy technology is set to save billions and revolutionize electric motor technology.

Find out how billions of dollars will be saved with Green Electric Motors.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Could This Be Bigger Than Google?

What would make Google even more powerful?

If they were able to analyze ALL of your Internet activity (non Google related sites) and deliver appropriate advertising. In order to provide that, Google would have to embed an application higher up the "broadband chain", like the modem. This would allow them to collect data and provide advertising on ALL websites you visit.

How can they do that or is it already taking place?

That would be pretty valuable, but that would only provide information (and advertising) for one of the "triple play" services, the Internet. Missing from this database are the activities from TV, Voice (and soon mobile).

The Next Google will be able to collect data, second-by-second, from all services/devices connected to the broadband pipe and deliver relevant advertising to ANY display.

Services include the Internet,TV, voice and mobile. Devices include PCs, laptops, game devices (Playstations etc), home phones, cellphones.

The Next Google is the gatekeeper, or "toolbar" of the pipe coming into your home, not just to your PC.

This company exists and this service is coming.

Last night their CEO said ""We believe ******'s ability to report actual anonymous second-by-second program and advertising audience viewership data from tens of millions of set top boxes (STB)s represents a huge technological and informational leap from today's television measurement standard"

"We currently have access to 500,000 set-top-boxes (STBs) made available to us through different network operators from multiple TV markets from which we are collecting,
aggregating and reporting anonymous, second-by-second data to our development partners."

"Similar to our ******** service that is collecting anonymous, census-level data representing more than 45 million set top boxes (STBs), we have architected ******* to comfortably scale to handle this same granular level of anonymous data from significantly more STBs in the 110 million U.S. TV households today."

When Google teamed up with Nielsen for TV ads, I explained there is a much bigger market they are missing. A much better solution.

I discussed how this company, and their service, could be The Next Google .

It has even been called Holy Grail census-level sample of all set-tops.

Know what company this is?

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Mobiqa And PayPal Offer Complete Mobile Payment Service

World's First End-To-End Mobile Barcoded Ticket Payment And Delivery Service For Live Entertainment
mobiqaMobiqa, the world leaders in mobile ticketing solutions and PayPal Mobile have provided the world’s first, complete end-to-end mobile payment and mobi-ticket™ delivery service to Scotland Rugby League fans who were left stranded without tickets due to the recent postal strikes which affected the whole of Britain.

Mobiqa and PayPal’s complete end-to-end service has many advantages over traditional means of buying and receiving tickets. Using your own PayPal account to pay for tickets to the match overcomes security concerns around entering credit card details into the phone and overcomes the usability and security issues associated with previous mobile ticket payment attempts. This ground-breaking service is the ultimate in convenience for fans and completely solves any postal problems which sending traditional paper tickets may face.

For the first time ever, customers were able to pay for their rugby tickets via PayPal Mobile’s WAP site on their phone and receive their barcoded tickets immediately after purchase.

Mobiqa Stories

Mobile Bar Code Scanbuy Receives More VC Funding

Just after hooking up with Sprint for a mobile barcode campaign, Scanbuy receives more VC funding.
From GoMo News Mobile visual barcode company Scanbuy gets 6.8 million USD Series B 1 investment

Scanbuy just received 6.8 Million USD in VC money an internal round of initial and existing investors.

When DuPont announced they would be placing Scanbuy's 2d mobile code on packaging, the 21st Century Barcode was created.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Tracking Content On The Net, Breakthrough Energy Device, BitTorrent Fallout, Chinese Oil Worth More Than XON And GE Combined

Publishers Can Track Content On The Net

Publishers can now track their content anywhere on the Net.

Marvel Introduces Breakthrough Energy Saving Device

Based on Marvell's digital signal processing (DSP) and power management expertise, these new chips are expected to boost energy efficiency by aligning the current and voltage coming from the electrical outlet for optimal energy use by the PC. Today, more than half the power from the outlet is wasted as heat.

More ISPs Blocking BitTorrent Traffic

This revelation is further evidence that net neutrality—the principle of equal treatment for all traffic through a network—is eroding. There is Internet Protocol technology that eliminates this.

Is The PC Becoming Extinct?

The PC is becoming less desired in Japan. Is a trend starting to develop?

Chinese Oil Company Worth More Than Exxon Mobile And General Electric Combined

PetroChina Co. almost tripled on its first day of trading in Shanghai, becoming the world's first company to be valued at $1 trillion, more than Exxon Mobil Corp. and General Electric Co. combined. What does this say about China's growth and US dominance.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Re-engineered NASA Technology Set To Create A Boom For CleanTech Industry

“the cheapest and most available source of new energy is the energy we waste”.........U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman.

Billions of dollars are wasted on electricity that is being provided, but not required.
What happens when Electric Motors Go "Green"?

The 200 year old electric motor is about to be transformed with some re-engineered N.A.S.A. technology.

Visionary Innovations specializes in finding disruptive technologies that have the ability to change or create multi-billion dollar industries.

We found disruption in the CleanTech industry.

Find out how billions of dollars can be saved when Electric Motors Go "Green"

Friday, November 02, 2007

Telstra Trialing Mobile Codes In Australia

Another major carrier adopting Physical World Connection technology.
qr code
Telstra has committed to be the first mobile carrier to trial Mobile Code technology In Australia.

Telstra and Sensis announce a trial of Mobile Codes. It’s not the first time the codes have been seen in Australia, QMCODES have been involved in 2D codes in Australia for about a year now.

Developed by Israeli company 3GVision, the technology is called i-nigma and it's compatible with Java, Symbian, BREW and Windows Mobile devices.

Already popular in Japan, where it's installed on more than 60 million phones, i-nigma has been trialled in Australia since March by Melbourne mobile application developer QMCODES.

Smart Office reports:

Selected mobile phone users on the Telstra Next G network will be able to use their handset cameras to scan specially-designed barcodes on posters, LCD screens and in magazines to connect directly to third-party websites such as KFC and Pizza Hut, in a trial announced today by the telco.

"Consumers will have fast one click access to mobile websites, rich streaming media from Bigpond and Foxtel, location based services and localised information from Sensis, all on Australia's fastest and largest Next G network," said Telstra group marketing director, consumer marketing and channels, David Moffatt.

This new technology from Telstra and Sensis will allow advertisers to place codes on billboards, magazines, newspapers, posters or even T-shirts. My making traditional advertising media interactive, mobile codes are also a great way for advertisers to engage in a two-way dialogue with consumers," said Sensis general manager mobiles, Amanda Brook.

A complete list of mobile barcode companies.

To get the i-nigma reader.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Internet Advertising Set To Be Disrupted With Do Not Track List

Internet advertising and the pay per click model could undergo a major transformation.

That hissing noise is the air starting to come out of the Web 2.0 bubble. For an ap and coming "industry" that is basing its business model on advertising, this could be devastating.

Relevant and targeted Internet ads based on Internet traffic monitoring. A delicate balance. Opting out of cookies might lead to more subscription services/sites.

Does the price per click go up drastically because of a reduced number of users?

Will this include both text and video ads?

Would you let a company(s) allow you to track your Internet activity in exchange for other services? Is there another opportunity for Google?

Privacy Groups Seek "Do Not Track List"

A number of privacy groups Wednesday called for creation of a "Do Not Track List" that would prohibit advertisers from tracking consumers' online activities.

The growing popularity of online ads is due in part to the sophisticated technology available to target ads.
Computer users should be notified when their Web surfing is tracked, argue the Consumer Federation of America, the World Privacy Forum and the Center for Democracy and Technology, among other groups in a coalition promoting the idea.

Ari Schwartz, deputy director of CDT, said the do-not-track list would not block ads, but would prevent companies from tracking users' Web behavior.

Rather than burying privacy policies in fine print, companies should disclose them more fully and provide easier ways to opt out, the groups said.

When will we see a "Do Not Spam" list?

Would you sign up for this Do Not Track List?