Friday, April 15, 2005

iPod Killers

Bizweek magazine discusses the threat iPods face when cell phones have the ability to download music and store it. Not really anything new in the article but it does educate people on the fact that your cell phone will be the remote control of your world.

Here's another way to look at this. See if you can how ubiquitous this will be.

Imagine if Apple had the ability to sell advertising on every iPod screen. People would say WOW!. All those screens out there, it would be huge.

Now, replace every iPod screen with a cell phone. What you have is a 6 ounce TV that you can carry everywhere and it is tuned into only one TV station. Would you like to be the company that sells advertising on that?....I thought so.

Now you see why mobile advertising will be enormous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Imagine if Apple had the ability to sell advertising on every iPod screen. People would say WOW!.

Yes, people would say "WOW! Look at the market share of the iPod plummet like a falling brick!" Who wants to deal with ads when they want to listen to a new mix?