Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The "Internet of Things" The Biggest Transformation Of The 21st Century?

Physical World Connection is being called one of the biggest technological transformations of the 21st Century.

Info on Chemicals has a nice summary on the history of RFID and the upcoming role an RFID tag will play in the Internet of Things.

RFID is an infrastructure technology, which will have a impact on almost every business process. However RFID is still a new technology, and thus we are waiting to see where it will lead in many applications.

But to speak only about RFID in terms of supply chain is to miss the point

Emerging technologies: sensors, (mots or smart dust), Nanotechnology and community-wide wireless broadband, GPS, are changing the landscape for business applications and life style generally.

Some argue that this is the biggest technological transformation of the 21st Century. It will transform our Cities, our work processes and our lives.

A number of RFID applications are actually enabling cyberspace to interface with the real world ie Physical World Connection.

Visionary Innovations identifies companies that will play a key role in this transformation. Will your company play a role in it, let us know.

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