Saturday, November 30, 2013

Stories I Found Of Interest (weekly)

    • A top concern is the nicotine delivery rate, Leone said. With nicotine patches and gum, the nicotine delivery is regulated, with small amounts of nicotine released slowly into the bloodstream. But with traditional cigarettes and now e-cigarettes, heat creates a freebase form of nicotine that is more addictive or what smokers would call more satisfying. The nicotine goes right into the lungs, where it is quickly channeled into the heart and then pumped into the brain.


      Once addicted, the body will crave nicotine. And although nicotine isn't the most dangerous toxin in tobacco's arsenal, this chemical nevertheless is a cancer-promoting agent, and is associated with birth defects and developmental disorders.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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