Friday, July 06, 2007

Microsoft Shuts Down Mobile Bar Code Project

Microsoft barcode
According to Microsoft's Aura site, they have decided to stop this mobile bar code reading project.

"Microsoft Research AURA project and all AURA services have terminated as of June 30, 2007. The Microsoft Research Community Technologies Team thanks you for your interest in this research project, and hopes that it has been a valuable resource. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or feedback."


Anonymous said...

Hmm... sounds like the only 1D player CamClic takes it all then?

Anonymous said...

I thought Scanbuy was also a 1-d player?

Anonymous said...

Whats a matter Scott Everybody have to kiss your ass to post a response. Well FU you and the load of bananas you rode over on.

Unknown said...

Interesting...lots of options could be leading to this but two that immediately come to mind are either MS rethinking feasibility or prepping a new commercial version? MS doesn't have shortage of web space to swap to commercial product so the latter unlikely.
If MS isn't convinced on feasibility this might signal they're thinking there are more factors that are key to mobile code scanning success (eg. drive consumer adoption) than what meets the eye.
The MC2 initiative should be looking closely at this, me thinks, as MS might have a lot to say on the ability to conclude these days on what works and what doesn't.

mobile bar hire sussex said...

That's really cool. This only shows how creative the people are in just making everything convenient to use.