Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Internet...The New Nielsen Rating?

set top box
Your set top box is getting ready to include millions of new "TV channels" and the advertising industry will once again be turned upside down.

Eric Schmidt spoke at the Abu Dhabi Media Summit and CNN lists his Top 5 Moments From Eric Schmidt.

The paragraph that caught my eye.

Similarly, he suggested that TV producers should soon begin releasing shows online before they appear on TV. Why? Not because the online audience is more lucrative than TV – it’s not – but because the Internet provides a test bed where content creators can find out what will resonate with an audience.

Kind of like fail fast, fail cheap.

Many popular TV shows have already started to do this with "webisodes".

The question I have is this.

What happens when every video capturing device is Internet enabled and bandwidth/Internet access is ubiquitous?

I discussed how Google could become the Dynamic Nielsen Rating Giant.

When Johnny's soccer game can be streamed live on the Net and Grandma can watch it, think of the disruptive effect it will have on advertising.

The Internet will eventually be one massive set top box with millions of new "TV channels".

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