Monday, January 17, 2005

Seek And Ye Shall Find

From Vodfone 3G customers get find and seek.

Europe : Mobile Commerce announced that it has updated and extended the Vodafone Live! `Find and Seek` service as well as launching a 3G version, which features Multimap``s content rich maps.

The updates allow Vodafone customers to organise activities from cosying up to Tom Cruise in their preferred cinema, to locating a sports bar to watch the world cup qualifiers in - all direct from their mobile phone. In total, Mobile Commerce has enhanced the ``Find and Seek`` offering with an additional 31 services ranging from clubbing information to hotel reservations.

The service, available to 3G customers, is a very visual experience. Users who select ``Find and Seek`` from the Live! menu are presented with a map based on their current location. Users are then presented with a list of five service types in the vicinity.

The selection of services presented to users is dependent upon the time of day so, in the evening services include bars, restaurants and cinemas, whereas services promoted during the day include services like coffee shops. From this screen, users select the service they require and are then provided with more details. So, for example, if they wish to see a film, they select ``cinema.`` The service then locates the nearest cinema and advises the user of show times and prices for the latest release. To help users who are having trouble choosing between films, the service also provides access to reviews and even trailers, bringing 3G customers closer than ever before to their favourite stars of the big screen.

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