I was asked to give
a presentation on Physical World Connection and the role a Physical World Hyperlink will play in it. I thought I would share it with my readers.
You will find the very first physical world hyperlink in this.
Handset manufacturers and wireless carriers have a huge opportunity. Will they recognize it?
More Internet traffic will come from mobile devices than personal computers (PC).
You must accept that mobile devices will:
---- outnumber PCs for web access
---- be “the PC” you have with you all day
---- be able to access a greater number, and different type of hyperlinks that a PC can’t
There will be TRILLIONS of hyperlinks that can only be accessed with a mobile phone.
Mobile phone handset manufacturers must start thinking that a mobile device is NOT JUST a tool for communications, but as a “Remote Control” for the physical world.
What WAS the original function of the mobile phone?....voice communications.
How did people communication using a mobile phone?...physical world hyperlink.
The phone number represented the first “hyperlink” for communications. Two computing devices linked through an electronic network using a machine readable identifier (phone number).
The Internet Phase 1
Today the Internet is perceived as a “place” where
digital content/data is found and displayed using electronic identifiers.
Phase 1 is email, browsing and instant messaging.
The electronic identifiers are URL’s and/or hyperlinks.
The tools needed are a keyboard and a mouse.
In order for a Personal Computer to connect with digital content on the Net, it too needs a “phone number”, a hyperlink.
This is the one-dimensional Internet.
The mouse resolves the hyperlink and is considered the “remote control” for Internet Phase 1--------------------------
Mobile Internet Phase 2-----------------
In order for mobile phone handset manufacturers and wireless carriers to become “Internet Companies”, they must define what the mobile Internet really is.
They must also ask how you will get to it, and what you will get from it.
The mobile Internet is NOT the PC Internet.
Phase 2, or the mobile Internet, is when every physical item in the world can, and will be connected to the Internet. It will have
a different kind of “phone number”, or hyperlink.
It will have A Physical World Hyperlink
The mobile phone won’t be just a mobile device for communication, but it will be a “remote control” or the “mouse” that can link objects in the physical world to the Internet.
This is the three dimensional Internet.
Physical World Hyperlink---------------
A physical world hyperlink (PWH) allows any physical object to be linked directly through and to the Internet, to specific content/info/URL when accessed with a specific tools.
PWHs already exist and there are trillions of them.
A Physical World Identifier is/can be:
A barcode (UPC/EAN, Code 128)
2d code (data matrix, QR code)
RFID tag (many forms)
Many others to come.
They will require a different “browser”, or tool, but this tool will be mobile’s “search engine”.The tools needed:
Speech recognition engine
RFID reader.
A PWH will be on or in a billboard, magazine, TV ad, train schedule, song, driver’s license, can of Coke.
The Physical World Hyperlink will allow a content owner, to directly interact, with any Internet user, anywhere, with any object, through a mobile medium.
They will also allow website owners to direct traffic to their site with a physical object, rather than a search engine.
One physical object already has numerous hyperlinks, but they can also be created.
Physical World Hyperlinks will make the number of ways to access info and data from the Internet, and Internet traffic volume, grow exponentially.
THAT is the main reason why there will be more Internet traffic from mobile devices
than PCs.
One 12 oz can of coke can offer a billion ways to access info. One 12 oz can of Coke represents billions of Physical World Hyperlinks. You find a created PWH on every Fedex package, or UPS package. Look at how productive a 2d code has made their businesses.
There are trillions of hyperlinks that can only be accessed by using a mobile phone..
What kind(s) and method(s) of information can a Physical World Hyperlink deliver?
Two types of info/content from the Mobile Internet
-static and dynamic
Two methods of delivery for mobile info
-push and pull
Static info is the Yankee’s schedule that is pulled from the Net
Dynamic info is having the Yankee’s game updates pushed to your phone.
Push requires permission and a good mobile marketer knows how to turn pull into push.
How can a Samsung, Sprint, Palm, Verizon or Nokia Turn Into An Internet Company?All of these companies have
great advantage for the Mobile Internet? What do they have over Google, Yahoo and Microsoft?
They control the “carrying case” or the “toolbox” for it. They can make the “remote control” or “mouse” for Phase 2.
Call it a toolbox or platform, that can access information in the physical world.
Create a platform that allows me to retrieve information from ALL physical (and one dimensional) objects, utilizing my location, and with the ease of use of a mouse, and THAT’S your "Mobile Internet" company