What is the value of having the ability to send an appropriate text messages to the 74 million phones that text messaged American Idol? The reality shows are building a very valuable database, the question is what will they do with it?
Nettwerk has partnered with 4INFO to bring Avril Lavigne's fans real-time mobile updates and live messages from Avril. Fans can sign up for these messages on Avril's official website and Myspace page.
Fans can also text the word “Avril” to 44636 (4INFO) to receive a menu of the latest Avril-related news, gear, promotions and concert and tour information.
Because the phrase/shortcode 4INFO is so easy to remember, they are becoming the lead SMS portal. Soon they could start selling keywords to appropriate advertisers in a form of "keyword registry".
Yes! This is the future. Look into CamClic and how they now starts building up "Brand fans" through physical world hyperlinks based on standard EAN-barcodes on consumer goods.
avril is so cute
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