Obopay , the first comprehensive mobile payment service in the U.S., today announced (pdf) the availability of a new AIM Obopay plugin for users of AOL's AIM service, the largest instant messaging community in the U.S.

This new plugin allows eligible AIM users to launch Obopay and use it to make payments directly from the AIM Buddy List feature. Users can sign up for Obopay and download the free AIM Obopay plugin at http://www.obopay.com/aim.
Can you see how AOL could use this with their new mobile marketing division? The buddy list acts as a mobile portal.
With the Obopay plugin on the AIM® service, eligible AIM® users who have signed up with Obopay can link directly to their mobile payment account to immediately send money2 to the mobile phone of any of their AIM® buddies who have signed up for the Obopay service.
What happens if Google unveils an instant messenger application?
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