Saturday, December 11, 2004

Would You Like Some Saki WIth That?

From Smart Mobs.

In the Kanto region, Japanese convenience store chain Sunkus are attaching 2D barcodes on Bento takeout meal packages.

If a consumer scans a 2D barcode with his camphone, it asks him marketing survey questions about a Bento. He may then be rewarded with a coupon.

Other sales items like rice products, bread, desserts may soon bear similar 2D barcodes to collect more data about consumers.

The start of Permission Marketing.

Via RFID in Japan.


Anonymous said...

Think about this. Whether RFID or barcodes along with a growing number of consumers getting camera cell phones, in order to get them into the habit of using their cell phones, such places like McDonalds.

Now, McDonalds could conceivably use such a strategy to promote big prizes. We've seen those Monopoly games. How about a Monopoly game you can keep track on your cell phone (instead of losing some of those small important pieces of paper such as the Reading Railroad property which could have been the winning piece) to really get the consumers into the cell phone clicking habit?

Could such a thing be in the planning in the very near future?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, the above recent post was from Kokonutguy.

No Name said...

IMO the first cellphone clicking event will have to an have immediate gratification incentive.
People need to see if this new "thing" works first before the start storing game pieces on it.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting there... :) - click on to the small left screen block on Twisty Fries/Drink/Incredibles advertising and incentives to get camera cell phone users to participate in the McDonalds' games.

And go here:
"McDonald's Launches Biggest Mobile Campaign with Disney" which came out 9 days ago.

Vangorilla... it's already being tested at a big scale across Europe, including the United Kingdom, which has one of the highest density of cell phone owners in the world, I believe.

All in all, I believe we will see the Monopoly cell phone game version to tie it in with McDonalds or even Coca Cola at the same time(?) knowing that in all likelihood, the "The Incredibles" promotion on free stuff and winning prizes.

Anonymous said...

Again, sorry, again, the above comment on 12snap and McDonald's was from Kokonutguy.

Anonymous said...

error addendum:

All in all, I believe we will see the Monopoly cell phone game version to tie it in with McDonalds or even Coca Cola at the same time(?) knowing that in all likelihood, the "The Incredibles" promotion on free stuff and winning prizes will be an instant hit praving the way to more sophisticated promotions such as the Monopoly game.

I think I need my caffeine now.

Anonymous said...

Hence, leading to this, Vangorilla.

McDonald's fast-food restaurants in Japan are reportedly about to offer equally speedy access to the Web. The retailer has signed a deal with Internet investor Softbank that will lead to the installation of high-speed online services in almost 4,000 of its restaurants, according to the news daily Nihon Keizai Shimbun. The installation of a wireless LAN network would allow people with a laptop or handheld device to send and receive data at broadband speed while away from home or office.

And that was two years ago. Will we see a similar set-up in Europe since Japan has always been ahead of the technology curve when it comes to consumers.

Things are definitely being tested at a large scale concerning feasibility on the use of web-eanbled cell phone promotion deals and games.
