What happens if Wikipedia and MySpace created a Physical World Connection application?

CamClic combines a Wikipedia and MySpace function for Physical World Connection.
CamClic is a 1d code (barcode) reading Physical World Connection (PWC) player with a couple twists.
First their CamClic Barcode Reader can read, 1D barcodes as well as 2d codes.

Second, they are building communities around barcodes that have been scanned. Think of CamClic as MySpace meets CamClic from the rest of the PWC companies.
Consumers choose which barcodes to click on, form social networks around the products, and let brands determine the appropriate advertising.
Here's why I think their model could really take off. Brands can encourage consumers to click on their barcodes for info/coupons etc and consumers can also click on codes and form their own hyperlink, or social network community.
As an example: Music star Fergie is using barcodes for mobile ticketing. CamClic could "turn on" the 1D barcodes of all of her CDs. When a CD barcode is scanner, her music label can direct a scanner to an appropriate site/info. In addition, Fergie fans could also click on any barcode to be connect to the "Fergie Fan Club". How valuable is this data?
From their site:
CamClic Barcode Reader
"This is a Java ME software that enables camera phones to be used as barcode scanners.
The software handles noisy, rotated codes with 0,25 mm (approx. 0.01 inch) module widths.
We aim at decoding all major 1D and 2D codes, currently manifested by EAN13, Code128 and QR Code. CamClic handles QRcode now and can also be adjusted for Datamatrix etc".
CamClic doesn't want to be a PWC technology provider to other PWC companies. Instead they want to be a PWC Services provider for customers and brand owners.
Currently they are building a large group (community) of CamClic members that will capture their favorite friends and products (stores with physical world hyperlinks (PWH), restaurants with PWH, clubs with PWH etc etc) with CamClic and "put in a request of information/offer" about the product, and they build up "brand fan groups".
Right now the CamClicMe service connects people to people with personal hyperlink codes to launch. The service also makes it possible to download all your friends in a new phone with the CamClic software and to have you address book in the phone updated automatically with your friends.
The Swedish Trade Council is looking for CamClic sales & marketing partners in Canada and USA.
CamClic is privately owned and looking for venture capital.
hmmm yet another private world code provider hoping to cash in on selling "url's" to represent my products.
They dont get it - the 90's called and want their CueCats back.
When are you going to accept that consumers have the power - if there is a fair trade of information for access we will take advantage of your product but just forcing us to go to a walled garden for accesss to content doesn't work.....just for kicks - what is the price for me to own that landing site associated with my product bar code or are you waiting for demand before you spring that surprise on us?
I suggest reading what the company will be offering with their code scanning application.
Consumers will have control, and so will brands.
That's why I think they are different from the other PWC player, as I stated.
Sound like a great idea to make a community around PWC services. How and where can you get to the services? On the Camclick homesite it seems like the services don´t work yet, or?
That's one of the things that attracted me to this company (besides 1d code capability).
They are allowing consumers to create social networks around barcodes. Probably the easiest groups to imagine involve musicians and their CDs.
I can see iTunes incoporating this function with their service. A triple play for advertising. Downloading song thru iTunes, CD barcode and the social network that would be generated around an artist.
Record labels could turn on the barcodes of a CD, but the viral effect a fan group can have, would generate a lot more click traffic.
CamClic realizes that consumers are not looking for ads, but they will accept ads on items they have an interest in. That is the big difference in their model.
Right now a first group of beta users are testing the service to help shaping it before a public release.
In a couple of weeks it will be possible for more test users to be invited by other CamClic members.
Stay tuned.
Best regards,
The CamClic Team
If this 1D barcode java reader works, which I doubt, I suppose there will be some talking and stalking within the industry... Have anyone tested their reader???
The reader works fine for me on my K550i. I have scanned barcodes in the store. Also scanned my buddies codes so we are linked in. Cool app. I hope my captured product favorites get in touch with me soon :-)
The reader doesn't work on my Nokia N70 :(
I live in Shanghai and this looks like a really exiting development when it comes to connecting physical goods to virtual content and comunities. Japan has had their Matrix/QR (2D) codes for a while and I heard that China Mobile recently started to test Matrix codes as well. Being able to use all the existing 1D barcodes instead of applying new 2D codes, as well as still being able to scan and decode 2D codes at the same time sounds great.
These damn swedes... So what do you say Scott, is this a new significant player? Never heard about them.
Worked with my W810 :-). My friends phone, a W880 didn't scan but he could type the codenumber in.
Remember those Swedes gave us the Bikini Team :)
Yes, IMO, these guys can become a significant player in the PWC space.
I do know they are talking to the "right" companies.
:-) not the "painters" then I suppose...
CamClic is "painting" an accurate picture of how PWC should be done.
This sounds like a new angle, still I wonder if todays brand labels really urge to start administrating ALL their barcodes. Nestlé has over 2000 brands in their portfolio and probably billions of barcodes. Why bother?
Nestle has over 2000 brands and how much money do you think they spend on advertising for these brands?
"Billions of barcodes" could act as physical AdWords to corresponding sites. Barcodes represent ANOTHER way to link people to a website.
What brand manager wouldn't turn on their barcode as another form of advertising? I am not suggesting Nestle should turn on all of their codes, but smart brand managers will turn on the ones that could be used for advertising campaigns.
Now that the brand has permission (beacuse you clicked on the barcode) think of the advertising opportunities to reach this person anywhere at anytime.
Sounds great but I think it needs a bigger player than a start-up company like Camclic to realize it.
There's a reason CamClic waited this long to announce their application.
I would keep an eye on them.
[I realize I'm late on this & no one may ever see it, but..]
I'm considering a consumer education/advocacy tool that would work with this, and although CamClic does seem to have more of an ethical foundation and vision, this...
"Consumers choose which barcodes to click on, form social networks around the products, and let brands determine the appropriate advertising."
...creeps me out. Non-face-to-face social networks essentially based purely on consumerism. Users are then tracked & fed targeted information - talk about empty narrow subculture. Just way too consumerist and way to atomizing.
CamClic's social networking plan should do itself the favor of avoiding anti-consumerism sentiments by introducing their community as a fan & consumer review tool. I'd use this to get reviews from people who bought it, more than I would to see the factory specs and meet other Nike loves.
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