Thursday, December 29, 2011

Why Are Vending Machines So Vital To The Mobile Industry?

Vending machines will soon be mini cell towers.

 It is being called WiFi 2.0 and Hypernet and the Japanese are about to make it take off.

Understand that this is where the mobile industry is headed. One of the investing trends I highlight in my book (How To Find Big Stocks) called "WiFi 2.0". The "holy grail" of communications is when any computing device can switch seamlessly among different frequencies so that the transmission of data (regardless of size) is never stopped.

Soon every cell phone will be able to switch seamlessly between cell towers and WiFi hotspots.

This solves a couple problems for wireless carriers:
1. how to handle to deluge of data being used on their network
2. finding new real estate to put up cell towers

You have to realize that any WiFi hot spot will be a mini cell tower now and cell phones will switch back forth (cell tower and wifi) to keep signal.

The Japanese are launching vending machines that not only offers drinks but also sends out Wi-Fi signals within a 50m radius

Be ahead of the investing curve.

Indian ISP Blocks Sites For Illegal File Sharing

 Digital rights is one investing trend I discuss (investing trends).

Internet service providers (ISP) are taking no chance with legal recourse and just shutting down websites that are responsible for illegal file sharing.

an Indian court seemingly having no problems issuing widespread ISP blockades in response to a request from movie studio Reliance Entertainment. The reasoning is that Reliance is hoping to prevent the file sharing of its latest movie. But rather than narrowly targeting the file sharing of that movie (or of other Reliance properties), the court ordered complete blocking of a variety of websites including Megaupload and BTJunkie  (full story)

The recording industry is already placing digital watermarks in new releases, how much longer before the movie industry adopts this technology?

Investing trends to keep your eye on.

Looking for big trends and the stocks in them?

Say It Forget It, Write It Regret It...An "Off the Grid" Trend Coming

Get ready for a new trend when people go digitally "off the grid". Look for people to stop clicking "share this" and "like this" because of the future ramifications it will have.

One of the upcoming investing waves I discuss in my book, is the growing demand for digital rights and privacy. The Internet is a fantastic medium for digital delivery, but we are sacrificing a lot of control (whether you recognize it or not).

Banks, employers, dating services and many other entities are using your digital footprints for their qualification process. A compromising picture, or emotional Tweet is now coming back to bite you.

Most people are not aware that anything transmitted over the Net is public information and can (and will) be seen by thousands (if not millions) of people.

They are just starting to see how their past Net activity is influencing their future.

Remember as a kid yor parents would tell you to count to 10 before you said anything when you're mad? Perhaps there should be a delay on the send, reply or post button. I call it the "just in case" button. I am sure there are plenty of times when you wish you could have pulled something back off the Net.

Some interesting cases are now appearing in court that have to do with digital rights.

1. Who owns your followers on Twitter, you or your employer?

2. Who can share your personal information with?

3. Can your Facebook image be used to promote products without your permission?

So next time think twice before you share an article or "like" something.

Get your investing trend spotting tool.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Stop Online Piracy Act


Managing digital rights is an investing wave to start watching. The ease of digital production and distribution (and duplication) has created a conundrum for digital content owners.

Where is the line between sharing and stealing?

Do you know what SOPA is?

The (SOPA)Stop Online Piracy Act in a nutshell

Here's how it affects you.

How it is affecting companies that register domains (GoDaddy)

Using digital watermarks and a spider that browses the Net for illegal digital reproductions. Here's a company that is has the patent, and the competitive advantage for this investing trend.

Digital Locking "Digital Media Distribution Method and System" (Granted US 20020146122) This patent provides a method of locking digital content which prevents play back on unauthorized machines and devices. Claims include separating security from the content, so that content files can be shared securely over peer to peer networks. This is one of the earliest patents for securing peer to peer distributed content.

How I turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2 years just by finding stocks in big waves

Friday, December 23, 2011

Finally White Spaces Get Turned On..Another Investing Wave To Watch

 It has been called "WiFi on steroids" and is definitely an investing wave to watch.

 I have been talking for years about this huge broadband opportunity for the US.

 White Spaces offers a "ton of bandwidth"

That is a highly desirable chunk of spectrum because the signals can easily pass through walls and other solid objects, giving them a much greater reach than WiFi or even WiMAX, both of which operate in higher frequency bands.

Microsoft said access to white spaces offers "a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to provide ubiquitous wireless broadband access to all Americans."
From GigaOm White Spaces Are A Go! 

With today’s approval of the first TV white spaces database and device, we are taking an important step towards enabling a new wave of wireless innovation.  Unleashing white spaces spectrum has the potential to exceed even the many billions of dollars in economic benefit from Wi-Fi, the last significant release of unlicensed spectrum, and drive private investment and job creation.

Microsoft calls "white spaces" the greatest improvement in Internet access since the advent of Wi-Fi."
Want to find stocks in upcoming investing trends?

WiFi 2.0 And Now It's Being Called The Hypernet..It Is A Huge Investing Wave

A major investing wave is approaching, do you know what stocks have the competitive advantage in it?

If you have been using the tool in my book (How to Find Big Stocks), you have already spotted them by now.

Roger McNamee, one of the most successful venture capitalists, defines the next wave for the Internet which he calls the "Hypernet and Hyperweb"

One of the reasons I am so excited about this point in time is that, in the last few years, the new infrastructure has been put into place for a major new wave.

Roger and I think the new infrastructure combines the web plus cellular plus WiFi (which we call the Hypernet), combined with potential new user experiences that involve billions of nodes and millions of clouds (which we call the Hyperweb).

This is also called HotSpot 2.0 and it is one of the waves I discuss in my book.

Hotspot 2.0 is an industry initiative that will use 802.11u to provide seamless automatic Wi-Fi authentication and handoff, allowing mobile users to roam between the networks without additional authentication
*this can also include other devices and objects

Gartner's Akshay Sharma made this prediction for Hotspot 2.0:

" Hotspot 2.0 with FMC will be the dominant (over 50%) approach for carriers to achieve carrier grade 4G offload by 2015"

 The ability for any device to switch between cell tower and wi-fi (without user having to do anything) is the next big thing for it WiFi 2.0 or the "Hypernet".

 Several tech experts have called it the "holy grail patent". A tiny company just received this patent in a long court dispute and are now starting to monetize it.

We put together a summary of this technology/company  that has the key patent for Hotspot 2.0 and which we consider a VERY RISKY "100 Bagger" opportunity.
(this company is currently in settlement negotiations with TMobile)

Don't miss one of the next big investing waves. Find out how to spot the key players in it with my book.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Investing Trends To Watch And How To Find The Big Stocks In Them

 Any successful investor will tell you that they made their money by spotting trends and the companies with the competitive advantage in them.

It's not hard to do..if you know what to look for.

I discuss how to spot trends and how to find the companies that will play key roles in them in my book How To Find Big Stocks. I also show you how to use a tool in the Internet to spot them. This is the same tool that helped turn $10k into $2.8m in two years.

Here are some investing waves I am watching.

Cloud Computing (posts on cloud computing)

 The days of both storing content and processing on the computer are over. Storing content on the cloud offers access from any device anywhere.

Processing is also done on the Cloud too. Think about using Microsoft Word (on your PC) versus using Google Docs (on the cloud).

The tower/PC are being phased out. Soon it will just be a keyboard and a display. Lots of companies will be created and destroyed with this wave.

Internet TV/ TV Commerce (posts on TV Commerce)
When the TV becomes Internet enabled, it will compete with the PC. It will turn into another ecommerce platform. When YouTube allows 30 minute videos it will compete directly with TV viewing.

I highlight one chapter in the book to this trend. As an example of what I am looking that insert hyperlinks on objects in a video.

Personalized  Medicine (posts on Personalized Medicine)
The days of one pill treats all are over too. Mapping the human genome will enable a pill to treat your condition based on your genetic structure.

A combination of several blockbuster drugs coming off patent and personalized medicine have the big drug companies worried. There are several ways to play this investing trend. I show you what to look for.

Internet of Things/Physical World Connection (posts on Physical World Connection)

When a physical object can be linked to the Net for information, we see Physical World Connection. That can include taking a picture of a barcode with a camera phone, scanning an RFID tag with a phone. Any time a physical object has a physical world hyperlink that can link a computing device to the Internet.

Intellectual Property..the new asset (posts on Intellectual Property)

Patents and ways to monetize them, represent a huge investable wave coming. Having a patent and monetizing are two separate things.
(excerpt from the book)
The new “manufacturing” is digital. Information and software are representing a larger percentage of our G.D.P. than physical goods. With the click of a mouse,
a new good can be created and shipped. The Internet is the new manufacturing and distribution system.


"Controlling" a physical object through the Internet is becoming very disruptive. From starting a car from a remote location to monitoring semiconductor equipment from across the globe. Maintaining contact and enabling control over a physical object anywhere in the world thru the Net will create lots of investing opportunities. 

3d Printing (posts on 3d Printing)

Quick replication of objects that are created by software could kickstart the US manufacturing economy.

Privacy/Digital Content Ownership (privacy posts)

With every click of your mouse, you are creating some type of digital fingerprint that is being used by many companies. Those fingerprints cant be erased. It;s as simple as clicking on a webpage and a cookie is placed on your PC to uploading a picture with the GPS coordinates on it.
The "like" button on Facebook, or the "share this" icon on almost every webpage is changing privacy. Brands are using your image to promote their products. Your "likes" are being used to generate revenue.

Also, the ease of replication and distribution of digital content is creating a nightmare for copyright owners. Digital watermarking and tracking will soon become a big business. As more content is stored online (on the cloud) protecting it will become a priority.

Speech Recognition

Voice replaces the keyboard for the phone, tablet and TV.

Motion Technology

The Kinect and Wii are adding another dimension to computing. Look for more applications using motion as the input.


The Internet is running out of IP addresses. IPV6 Internet Protocol version 6 will provide EVERY device  with their own IP address. The days of anonymity are over.

Connected Homes/Mini Cell Tower

More devices connected to the Net inside the home will require a more powerful router. This next generation router will connect all devices (tablet, refridgerator, cell phone). Watch femtocell and picocell companies.


The days of updates and plugins required may soon be over. A new standard for online media is coming. Java's days may be limited.

NFC/Mobile Payments

Near field communications, chips inside your mobile will turn it into a "wallet" that with a swipe near a NFC reader registers your purchase. The days of credit cards may soon be over when they can be stored and swiped with your cell phone.

Pharmaceutical Acquisitions..Blockbuster Drugs are over

As more blockbuster drugs come off patent and the trend for personal medicine grows, drug companies are going to back to their Phase 3 trials to look for drugs that can help smaller populations. Genetic database companies and RNAi players are ones to watch as acquisition candidates.

WiFi 2.0 or the Hypernet 

Hotspot 2.0 is an industry initiative that will use 802.11u to provide seamless automatic Wi-Fi authentication and handoff, allowing mobile users to roam between the networks without additional authentication 

 I turned $10k into $2.8m in 2 years with the tool in this book.

Facebook "Likes" Things Without Your Permission

How far is Facebook willing to go to make a buck?

How much information on Facebook are you willing to give up?

A backlash against Facebook is coming..just watch.

Facebook has already been scolded with their opt out privacy feature. Users use to have to opt out of new info sharing features. Now it is more "opt in" but these next developments should have you concerned.

  I see a growing backlash that will cause Facebook members to have a "Occupy" moment here.

Soon people will realize how their personal information is being used without their consent, and how much revenue is being generated from it.

Two stories caught my eye this week that involve Facebook going too far with using your personal information.

1. Currently there is a lawsuit that involves Facebook using its member's likeness in advertising.

When you see one of your friend's picture next to an ad saying "Joe Smith likes this". Facebook is using your image to promote a product, for which they get paid.

Did you give brand x the permission to use your image to promote this product?
Are they sharing in the ad revenue with you?

Tell me this doesn't sound a bit creepy.

Here is a quote from Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg:

This is the elusive goal we’ve been searching for, for a long time; making your customers your marketers… 68 percent more people are likely to remember seeing the ad with their friend’s name [and they are] 300 percent more likely to purchase

The second invasion of privacy:

2. Netflix wants to let Facebook use your viewing habits to share with the public.

Facebook members in the United States may soon be able to see which of their friends and family members have just video-streamed. (full story)

So all of your friends will know what movies you rent.

Once again your information is being used to promote business for someone else.

There is big investing trend coming and it involves maintaining control of your privacy and digital content. It is a "wave" I discuss in my book (How To Find Big Stocks)

Every time you hit the "send", "reply" or "message" button, you are creating a digital fingerprint. This is a fingerprint that will be stored on a computer forever. Think about that next time you are quick to respond on a public network.

Their is an app coming out soon for iPhone and Droid users that will enable communication on a "private wall".
(email me if you want to know who has this technology)

The info you post on the wall can only be viewed by the two parties and is NEVER stored on a server.

This "privacy on a public network" is a trend I would start watching.

 Want to see how I spot investing trends?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Marc Andreessen Predictions From "Software Is Eating The World"

Marc Andreessen's "Software Is Eating The World" piece offers his insights on why software is changing industries and what is coming next.

Quotes after the break.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Managing Digital Rights..An Investing Trend To Watch

The ease of production and distribution (and duplication) has created a conundrum for digital content owners. I discuss this wave as one to watch in my book.

John Wiley and Sons are following through on charging those that steal their "For Dummies" content.

the major publisher picked up the pace by filing another mass-lawsuit, yet again targeting those sharing the “For Dummies” series online. The complaint lists 36 IP-addresses through which the defendants downloaded and shared titles

The person that downloads the content AND the site that enables it, are liable.

The record industry has already started to crack down on this. PlayMPE is already known as the global standard for secure media delivery. (Parent company Destiny Media Technologies)

The 2 patents Destiny has should offer the competitive advantage for this upcoming investing trend.

1.1. Digital Locking "Digital Media Distribution Method and System" (Granted US 20020146122) This patent provides a method of locking digital content which prevents play back on unauthorized machines and devices. Claims include separating security from the content, so that content files can be shared securely over peer to peer networks. This is one of the earliest patents for securing peer to peer distributed content.

2.2. Watermarking "Methods for Watermarking Media Data" (US 20080098022) (pending Japan, Europe, Canada, USA) Destiny has a developed a watermarking technology which can uniquely identify the individual who originally accessed a particular song. Our watermark is unique as it can be embedded and identified rapidly, it is inaudible, it survives on air broadcast, compression and conversion to other formats and is virtually impossible to remove. Patents are pending in the US, Canada, Europe, Japan and China. Our watermarking technology is used in the Play MPE® distribution system when songs are exported or when streaming a track. 16 Other watermarking technologies are slow and provide a trade off between a destruction of audio quality and the ease that they can be filtered out.

Destiny Media Technologies is a company that was triggered by the BigStockular, the tool found in the book How To Find Big Stocks

The tool that turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2 years.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Want To Find Big Winning Stocks?

How To Find Big Stocks

Finding stocks that outperform the market involves spotting trends and the companies that will play a key role in them.

For over 20 years I have been finding emerging trends and the catalyst that triggers them. I have learned how to spot them using a simple tool and a proprietary method (which I show you how to use).

Robert Scoble, Microsoft's Chief Technology Evangelist had this to say about me.."Scott sees thing we aren't yet seeing".

I show you what you specifically need to look for and how to find it before the masses.

There are several major waves, or investing trends starting to break. One WILL BE bigger than the Internet. It is one you CANNOT AFFORD to miss.

For only $4.99, less that the commission of a stock trade, you get a valuable too that helps you spot emerging trends and the companies in them. 

Download a free chapter that shows you some of the waves I am watching now.

Find tomorrow's big winning stocks long before Wall Street does.

I turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2 years using the tool in this book.

Predictive Advertising Based On Amazon's GPS Patent

You probably use "predictive text" on your phone. That is when the device fills in the rest of the word you are typing.

Next up, advertising that is catered to your GPS and current route.

A patent, made public last week, covers a system to not only track, through mobile devices (Kindle, anyone?), where individuals or aggregated users have been, but determine where your likely to go next to better target ads, coupons, or other messages that could appear on a mobile phone or on displays that individuals are likely to see on their routes.  (Amazon's Big Brother Patent)

Creepy or a good idea?

The tool that turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2 years.

Here's Why You Have To Be Careful Who You Friend On Facebook

 Did you know that who your friends on Facebook are might affect your ability to get a job or a mortgage?

Privacy and your reputation are two things being destroyed with the convenience of the Internet.

Keep in mind that every post, picture and comment you put on Facebook is permanently stored on their server, regardless if you delete your account.

So do you really know who your friends are on Facebook?

From BetaBeat, The Wrong Friends Might Sink Your Credit 

A new wave of startups is working on algorithms gathering data for banks from the web of associations on the internet known as “the social graph,” in which people are “nodes” connected to each other by “edges.”

There is this concept of ‘birds of a feather flock together,’” said Ken Lin, CEO of the San Francisco-based credit scoring startup Credit Karma.

financial institutions have started exploring ways to use data from Facebook, Twitter and other networks to round out an individual borrower’s risk profile

A new application is coming out for Facebook that allows any user to create their own "private wall".

Message and post with selected Facebook friends that never gets stored on the Facebook server. Think of it as a private messaging application through Facebook. In other words, what you do on PrivateString will never go on your "permanent record".

I like to think of it as a "just in case" application or "reputation insurance".

Find the next big investing trends.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tablet Buyers Use WiFi But A Bigger Stat Is Revealed

NPD Group provided a summary of tablet use and one sentence I found remarkable.

 The number of public Wi-Fi hotspots may increase by 350 percent in the next four years,

This is a great sign for HotSpot 2.0 to get adopted

Tablet users only use on WiFi

Full story)

The tool that turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2

TV Commerce An Investing Trend To watch

To make better than average returns in the stock market, you need to find upcoming investing trends and the companies that have the competitive advantage in them.

My "BigStockular", the tool that helped me turn $10k into $2.8m in 2 years is constantly spotting both investing trends and the companies in them. I show you how you can build your own Big Stockular in my book How To Find Big Stocks

One of the investing trends I am watching is TV Commerce. Your TV is turning into an interactive ecommerce display and with it will come lots of disruptive technologies. As an example of things I see as being disruptive:

1. when Youtube increases videos to 30 minutes it (Youtube) will compete with prime time viewing

2. hyperlinks embedded into videos will provide additional revenue for TV shows (including reruns)

I am seeing more news stories feature TV commerce which is giving me lots of great investing ideas. In fact in my book I devote an entire chapter to "what happens when the TV is Internet enabled and the screen is a dynamic hyperlink"

TV Commerce to watch

Find great investing ideas with this tool.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Amazon's Kindle Fire..Be Careful

Amazon's Kindle Fire's ease of use may come back to bite them. The ability to "1 Click" purchase any item thru Amazon is a nightmare for parents AND for people who lose their tablets.

I am sure Amazon will find a way to correct this with the next version. But in the mean time, Fire owners should be very careful when they travel with their tablet and should know what their Amazon password so they could quickly change it.

One Click Maybe Be Costly

Want to find the next big winners in the stock market?

Sunday, December 11, 2011

A New Patent Investment?

A new way to monetize patents?

The tool that turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Friday, December 09, 2011

A "Holy Grail" Patent For HotSpot 2.0 And CompanyTo Keep An Eye On

 It has been called disruptive, game changing and revolutionary. This patent and company were found using the tool in my book (How To Find Big Stocks)

It is called "Hotspot 2.0".
Hotspot 2.0 is an industry initiative that will use 802.11u to provide seamless automatic Wi-Fi authentication and handoff, allowing mobile users to roam between the networks without additional authentication

Gartner's Akshay Sharma made this prediction for Hotspot 2.0:
" Hotspot 2.0 with FMC will be the dominant (over 50%) approach for carriers to achieve carrier grade 4G offload by 2015"

We put together a summary of this technology/company  that has the key patent for Hotspot 2.0 and which we consider a VERY RISKY "100 Bagger" opportunity.

Years of controversy ended yesterday when Calypso Wireless announced they have the sole and immediate right to use, sale and develop U.S patent number 6,680,923.

On January 20, 2004 Calypso received U.S. Patent No. U.S. 6,680,923 B1 titled: “Communication System and Method”. This solution is known by the trademarked acronym, ASNAP™, which stands for: Automatic Switching of Network Access Points.

Patent # 6,680,923 titled "Communication system and method which covers the seamless roaming of voice, vidoe and data between Wide Area Network access points such as cellular towers (GSM/GPRS/EDGE, CDMA, WCMDA etc) and short range Internet access points (such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth etc.)

As more phones become "smart", and as more objects are connected to the Net, they will tax the current cell network's ability to provide a constant contact regardless of data size or location.

The holy grail of mobile communications is maintaining a connection regardless of data size or location.

The proliferation of wifi hotspots have essentially created endless "cell towers" but they operate at a different frequency than a cell tower.

The ability to switch between cell tower and wi-fi (without user having to do anything) is the next big thing for mobile.

Calypso has successfully demonstrated the seamless flow of data while switching between a wireless connection from a cellular GSM/GPRS tower to a local Wi-Fi access point and back to GSM/GPRS again.

They are currently in settlement discussions with T-Mobile.

Here's why we feel this crapshoot is a "wireless wonder" and could be a 100 bagger investment.

Email me if you want my detailed report.

The tool that turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2 years.

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Genius Idea Or just Plain Ruthless?

This is just another example of an Internet company using disruptive technology to connect physical objects to the Net. The barcode is actually a physical world hyperlink and retailers havent figured a way how to utilize it.

What is the key thing standing retailers have that ecommerce sites dont?....spontaneity. Physical retail stores can deliver the product immediately. Try to find a way to incorporate that into your selling.

barcode app pitts Amazon versus physical world retailers

The tool that turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2

eBook Pricing Suit

Who is next?

The tool that turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2

A Worldwide Telecom Company For $8B

Maybe this acquisition wasn't such a bad move after all.

The tool that turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Could This Be Big Problem For Apple?

 Apple loses iPad trademark case in China

Therefore, Apple had no rights to the iPad trademark in China, said the report.
In 2006, the Taiwanese company sold the "global trademark" for iPad to U.S. company, IP Application Development, which was later believed to be a front for Apple, said the CNET report. When Proview Electronics ran into financial trouble and its assets in China were seized, its creditors attempted to sell Proview's trademarks but Apple stepped in and sued Proview to force it to hand over the trademark in China to IP Application Development.

In 2010 when the iPad was first announced, Apple did not own the trademark of iPad in the United States. It took some weeks for Apple to negotiate with Fujitsu before the Japanese company turned over the trademark to Apple.
Find out the biggest investing trends and the companies that will play key roles in them.

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Is Facebook Next?

I envision Facebook to be next.

Physical World Connection Revolutionizes Healthcare Industry

When things are connected to the Net, including people, Internet Phase 2 (or Physical World Connection) takes shape.

The tool that turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2

Monday, December 05, 2011

The Next Big App?

Imagine having an app that syncs objects on TV with Amazon.
TV Commerce is coming.

The tool that turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2

What is an IP address worth?

You thought email addresses were a commodity.

The tool that turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2

Email Is Dead

The tool that turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2

TV Commerce Is Finally Here

The television represents another computing device and display for commerce. The ability to click on an image, be directed to a website and purchase it, is another investing trend to watch.

the ability to buy products they see on their screens with a click of a remote control

A new service being introduced this week to Verizon FiOS customers, however, will allow viewers to do just that — for items like bicycles, radios and coins — directly from shows on the History Channel, owned by A&E Network. 

A small icon in the upper right corner of the screen will signal that an item is available, and with the touch of a button on a remote control, the screen will split in two, with items for purchase on the right.

After setting up a user account on, viewers can complete their transaction by entering their phone number and four-digit PIN.

 Full Story from NY Times

The tool that turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2 years.

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Could The Days For Email Be Numbered?

 Email days are numbered.

The tool that turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2 years.

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Keep An Eye On Shazam's Audio Recognition IP

Keep an eye on Shazam's audio recognition IP.  The guys at Kleiner Perkins recognized this by raising $32m for them this summer.

One of the upcoming investing themes I discuss in my book is "TV Commerce". When the TV becomes Internet enabled and YouTube increases video submissions to 30 minutes, major disruption will occur.

The Internet will take over the last device in the home..TV viewership and advertising will see a HUGE decline.

One technology that will play a key role in this transition is Shazam's "tagging" technology. Most use Shazam's app to identify a song. (Shazam made its debut as a clever app that could “listen” to the music playing on your radio in order to tell you what song was playing).

Advertisers and consumers will need to find a solution that "tags" items in a video.

However, in recent months, the company has been working on leveraging that same technology for use with TV advertising.

In early November, the company also partnered with Delivery Agent, allowing you to “tag” (that’s Shazam lingo for “identify”) a TV show itself. The first studio to participate in this venture is NBCUniversal, which now lets you tag “Covert Affairs” episodes to discover the clothing and accessories worn by the TV characters as well as offer you an opportunity to buy related NBC merchandise. MTV and various advertisers are also on board with this aptly dubbed “Shazam for TV” initiative. (Source TechCrunch)

The tool that turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2 years.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Do Fads And Businesses Come And Go Quicker On The Net?

 It's better to burn out 
Than to fade away
My my, hey hey....Neil Young

 Watching Groupon's IPO and with Zynga waiting on deck, I wonder...are we seeing a new business ?? Do fads and online businesses come and go quicker on the Net?

I still think Groupon will go down as the company that generated $1b faster than any company and will also go bankrupt quicker than any company to generate $1b.

Starting a website business requires very little capital but can start generating revenues immediately. A great idea/site can spread rapidly producing staggering revenue growth..but for how long?

Looking at Groupon's financials and most recently Zynga's, the two next Internet "blockbusters", I am wondering if the viral effect of the Net that caused their meteoric rise, will also kill them too. Their growth would have taken years for a pre-Internet company.

Do fads come and go faster on the Net?

Never click "Forgot your password" again with LoginRecall

Friday, November 11, 2011

Never Forget A User Name Or Password Again With LoginRecall

How many times a week do you click "Forgot password?"

After clicking "Forgot password?" for the umpteenth time, and having to rest my password (grrrrr), I figured there had to be a better way.

I didn't want to carry a notebook with me and I didn't want to store the info on my laptop.

I created an easy to use solution that allows me to keep track of every user name and password, regardless of the device.

I'm not kidding when i say I use this at least twice a day to remember a password.  It's not for the sites you use every day because those are easy to remember. It is for the sites that require special characters, lower/upper case letters and sites that you don't visit frequently.

Never forget a password again

It is so secure a stranger could stand over your shoulder and wouldnt have any idea what this means.

It is safer than a website (do you really want to trust a website with your sensitive info? )

In seconds, you can find any user name or password, for the websites you dont use that often.

There is NO tech support and and ONLY you will ever see your info.

Keep track of every user name and password has never been easier with LoginRecall.

For just a one time fee of $7.99, you will NEVER have to click "Forgot password" again.

As we register for more sites and the passwords get more involved, keeping track of your login info has never been harder.

 LoginRecall makes sure you will never click "Forgot password?' again.

If you dont find that LoginRecall makes your online life easier, I will give you your money back.

The tool that turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2 years.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

The Death Of The CD Creates Another Industry

What was once breakthrough technology is now on its way to the grave. Because music is now being produced, manufactured and delivered digitally, protecting original ownership is creating another industry.

Digital watermarking is becoming a very sought after service.

One of the investing waves I discuss on the book How To Find Big Stocks is "digital asset management". New technologies will enable any digital content owner to protect unauthorized reproduction.

The major record labels are planning to kill off the CD format by the end of next year to make way for digital downloads only.

That's the claim made by music site Side-Line which says it heard whispers that the end of the CD is nigh from music industry insiders. (Source Reghardware)

To prevent theft, record labels have already started to place watermarks in the songs which allows them to trace any illegal copies on the Net. 

When labels discover an unauthorized copy of a song which they had previously given distribution rights to, they are able to use the system to find the identity of the person that made the copy.

I see the video and software industries adopting this next.

 I discovered a company with key intellectual property around this technology and record labels have already adopted it. Email me if you want their story.

Find the next investing trends with

Friday, November 04, 2011

Could This Start A Trend?

There is a large investing wave coming that includes "digital asset management". Creating, manufacturing and distribution of digital content is so easy but that makes it easy to steal too.

Being able to place a tag inside any piece of digital content and track it through the Net, could give content owners control.

Now that record labels can trace back the source of the pirated content, will this announcement start a trend?

A new twist today in the battle of media companies trying to stop their content from being distributed by illegal means online: the UK’s main music trade body, the BPI, has today teamed up others in the creative industries to request BT  the UK’s leading broadband provider, to block access to Pirate Bay, one of the biggest sites for illegal music downloads using BitTorrent.

This investing wave and others are discussed in

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Say Goodbye To The Cash Register

 I started to notice stores using iPads as displays for showroom windows too. Now Verifone acquires Global Bay, the company that is transforming the cash register industry.

VeriFone said the acquisition is part of the company’s strategy to leverage mobile devices more going forward, including smartphones and tablets.

I see Verifone acquiring a company or technology that turns iPads into barcode or RFID tag scanning complete the entire checkout process.

The tool that turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2 years.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Another Investing Wave To Watch

There's a wave I discuss on my book, that relates to the ease of digital content creation and distribution. This is a blessing and a curse for content owners.

A digital product can be reproduced and shared with thousands of people with the click of a mouse. Sharing, or stealing, has never been easier.

The new "manufacturing and distributing" method is creating a huge opportunity for companies that provide digital content control technology and for law firms looking for infringers/licensing revenues.

Placing a watermark in a digital item, and tracking its movement and reproduction across the Net, will be  invaluable for any digital content owner. 

Destiny Media and their digital locking technology was responsible for shutting down Napster.

Look for this wave to get lots of traction.

I have highlighted a couple companies that have a competitive advantage in this space (link)

Major Book Publisher Files Mass-BitTorrent Lawsuit

 John Wiley and Sons, one of the world’s largest book publishers, have sued 27 BitTorrent users at a federal court in New York. The publisher claims that the defendants have shared copies of its “For Dummies” books without permission, and demands compensation.

After several movie studios started filing lawsuits against BitTorrent users last year, Wiley is the first book publisher to take this kind of action.

Upcoming investing trends are highlighted in

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Daily Disruptions

Today's Daily Disruptions

Monday, October 24, 2011

How Does This Affect The Cloud Computing Space?

Could this impact cloud computing?

Once content is uploaded to the cloud (by choice or default), who owns the content? You store your belongings in a physical storage locker and maintain ownership but what about online storage?

Can Big Brother search your content at will without a warrant?

If a server is in another country, could it be searched? Could this force off-shore storage?  Would you store your content with a company in a country that doesnt have an extradition policy with US?

Knowing that your content could be searched, will that impact how and where you store your content?

The government admits that if it wants to seize photos on your hard drive, it needs a warrant from a judge. And if it wants to intercept your e-mail en route, well, it needs a warrant for that, too. But once the data comes to rest on the Internet’s servers, the government claims you’ve lost your privacy rights in it. Same data, different rules. 

the Fourth Amendment's warrant requirement does not apply to data stored online. (Source)

Patents The New Raw Material

From Seattle Times Patents are new business strategy

they're visible signs that technology companies' patent practices have evolved from using them to defend their own inventions to deploying them as a significant part of competitive strategies

A trend I discuss in the book, How To Find Big Stocks, is "IP The New Raw Material", A Big Stock has to have a competitive advantage, that could be intellectual property.

(excerpt from the book)
The new “manufacturing” is digital. Information and software are representing a larger percentage of our G.D.P. than physical goods. With the click of a mouse,
a new good can be created and shipped. The Internet is the new manufacturing and distribution system. 

I have a comprehensive list of stocks with key patents title Patent Play Stocks. 

Several on the list are making new highs and becoming big stocks like Genetic Technologies (GENE), Mako Surgical (MAKO), Mitek Systems (MITK), Nuance Systems (NUAN).   

How I turned 10k into 2.8m and you can to.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Oh How Times Have Changed

Today CNBC reports that the "Misery Index" rises to highest levels since 1983.

Apparently misery is defined by having to wait in line to get the latest Apple iPhone, not a loaf of bread.

The tool that turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2 years.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Are Bluetooth's Days Numbered Or Could This Solve A Huge Problem Coming For Carriers?

From BusinessWeek Wifi Direct To Threaten BlueTooth

On Oct. 25, industry association Wi-Fi Alliance began certifying consumer electronic gadgets that can connect directly to other Wi-Fi devices.

How this might work: Your Wi-Fi Direct device will signal to other devices in the area that it can make a connection. You can view available devices and ask them to connect, or you might receive an invitation to connect to another Wi-Fi Direct device.

It also threatens another industry. It creates a different, more ubiquitous network, and  allows the next big thing for mobile communications to finally happen.

The limited distance that data can be transferred and the slow speeds using Bluetooth are no match for WiFi data transfer speeds and distance.

NUAN, MITK, MAKO are the latest winners found using the tool in this book.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Follow Google To Find Next Investing Boom

Google is providing more proof where I think the next investing boom will be in How To Find Big Stocks

 The Next Investing Boom

Google invests in DNA sequencing research.

Google invests in $100B in genomic computing market with investment in DNAnexus

Google funds 23andMe

Google Inc. Ventures partner Krishna Yeshwant said, “At Google Inc. Ventures, we’re passionate about tackling the world’s most challenging and important problems

This is a wave YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS.

This wave is starting to break that is projected to be even bigger than the Internet, which created fortunes for many!
This wave WILL:
1. Transformationally change the world;
2. Produce hundreds of new millionaires along the way; and
3. Create billion-dollar market-cap companies.

I consider this wave the biggest “problem solver” ever that will affect every person in the world, rich or poor. It will create and destroy multi-billion dollar companies.

It will have a drastic impact on another wave soon to break. This offers an opportune moment for the astute investor.

The tool that turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2 years.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Kyle Bass What This Country Needs To Do......And Fast

 He founded hedge fund Hayman Capital in Dallas, Texas, in 2006 in his late 30s after saving $10million from selling bonds for Wall Street firms. He then made made millions betting against the sub-prime mortgage bond market (SourceDailyMail)

Here's fantastic interview where he explains what macro economic events are set to occur.

A couple quotes that made me go "wow".

In the last 10 years 100% of the private sector jobs created came from the U.S. Government (healthcare, defense and education).

For every dollar infused into the US economy by the government, only an increase of .07 is added to our G.D.P.

The duration of unemployment is at an all time high. 99 week unemployment benefits provide little incentive to get a job.

He also outlines what needs to be done to turn the US economy around. If it doesnt happen in the next 3-4 years, things could get pretty ugly.

The bottom line, the US needs to reduce its debt and it will require a little pain to get it done.

The interview.

What do MITK, MAKO, NUAN all have in common (besides trading at new highs) they were spotted using the tool in this book.

Groupon Is Officially Toast

 Once valued at $30B, Groupon's IPO is struggling to be valued at $10B.

How did it get so bad?

My prediction is coming true: Groupon will not only the fastest company to generate $1b in revenues, but also to hit $1b in sales and go bankrupt.
1. There is NO barrier to entry
2. The business model just doesnt work in the long run
3. The companies that already have access to millions of online users and touch them every day (Facebook, Google, Amazon) waited to see what works.

I think everyone knew Groupon and the group buying space was in a bubble, nobody wanted to admit it though.

FaceBook and Twitter were showing nutty revenue growth and Wall Street wanted ANYTHING Internet 2.0ish to bring to market.

Andrew Sorkin discussses the "Red Flags Missed at Groupon"

Here's a beauty:
And Groupon’s filing shows that when the company privately raised $950 million in a pre-I.P.O. round in January, it paid out $810 million of that to its investors and employees, a red flag for any investor. (Mr. Lefkofsky and his wife took home about $319 million of the total.)(check please!)

Perhaps the Occupy Wall St. people should take a look at this:  The cynical reason that the banks stood by Groupon and its accounting shenanigans is most likely the expected fees from the offering.

Even if Groupon’s I.P.O. values the company at $10 billion instead of $30 billion, the banks will probably walk away with hundreds of millions of dollars.

 What happens next?

Perhaps Groupon will generate revenue from licensing their IP, but Tippr seems to be taking a stand against that. Then there's pesky mobile application issue. What happens when consumers want real time group buying specials delivered to their mobile based on their location? Groupon and ALL of the group buying players might have a problem with that from these guys. Don't know if it makes a difference yet, but one of the most successful licensing powerhouses in the world agreed to manage their IP portfolio.

 Group buying is just a commodity like business but that doesnt mean it can't be profitable. But to make money with it, you need to be different than the rest.
Here's how to make a group buying campaign work

The tool that turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2 years.

Monday, October 17, 2011

This book spotted MITK's disruptive technology under $1 a share.

The tool in the book How To Find Big Stocks,  spotted Mitek Systems (MITK) around $1 when they announced their disruptive "remote deposit capture technology".  In less than a year a $10,000 investment in MITK is now worth over $110,000.

The "paperless age society" is a trend highlighted in the book too.

 This technology enables a person to take a picture (with smart phone) of a check (business and personal) and deposit to their bank account. No more trips to the bank.

The patent-pending system will support the payments industry  (Source Alpha)  They are also listed in our Patent Play Stocks too.

There are three major waves or trends starting to break. There is one that will create more millionaires than the Internet did. Want to know what it is?

Want to spot break though technologies and investing waves, the book How To Find Big Stocks shows you how.

$5 for the tool that turned $10k into $2.8m in 2 years.

Want to find the next big winner?

Friday, October 14, 2011

Here's How To Save The U.S. Economy

Put an Apple logo on all goods sold in U.S.

It would be nice to hear consumers say they "need" to buy a new car etc.

Even better, turn all retail stores in Apple Stores.

Imagine lines forming outside of WalMart before store opens....more than twice a year.

The tool that turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2 years.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

10 Really Cool Next Generation Technologies


Here are 10 devices that will have you climbing walls like Spiderman or painlessly taking a bullet like Batman

From BusinessInsider 10 Next Generation Technologies

$10k turned into $2.8m

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Is More Like Vacant Brain Matter

The catalyst for this misguided movement was Bank of America implementing a new $5 fee to use their debit card. Rather that do some due diligence, they decided to put the blame on Wall Street. They are blaming the wrong institution.

"Wall Street didn’t write these failed economic policies -- the White House did" (Source CNS News)

If these clowns, yes I call them clowns because of their 13 idiotic demands prove it.

The Bank of America fees were lifted in response to a new Democratic-sponsored law that reduces the amount banks can charge retailers when shoppers use debit cards. (Source FT)

Don't want to pay the fee, use another bank. Nobody is forcing you to use them.

 Stop blaming others for your problems. The banks didnt force you get a mortgage on an inflated price home.
How much do you pay in ATM fees? If you use them for you online banking, do you think BofA doesnt have to pay for these secure transactions?

Why not protest PayPal, eBay too? They charge you for conducting online commerce. Nothing in life is free.

Lost your job with BofA? Well they didnt force you to work there. If your job is controlled by some other entity, you're just a commodity. Learn a new skill and increase your value to society.

The official unemployment rate released by the Department of Labor for September was 9.1 percent. At the height of the Great Depression of the 1930s the number stood at about 25 percent. You think this is a Depression? People in the Depression waited hours in line for a loaf of bread. I'm pretty sure they weren't tweeting on their iPhone or posting to Facebook with their iPad.

I have a hard time feeling sorry for you if you have an Internet connection.

The people who have really “made it”  did it by working long, hard hours, by reading and studying everything they could get their hands on, by having the drive and ambition it takes to succeed. There's a fantastic college that is open everyday, has the smartest teachers for any subject/trade, and it's FREE, use it.

When I see these protesters blame others (and the wrong institution) for their misery, I see a sad trend developing in the country.
  We have transformed from a "I built", "I created" to a "I deserve" society.

The tool that turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2 years.

Friday, October 07, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Is A Sad Commentary For The Trend Developing In The United States

 Blaming others for your problems never solves anything.

It is aggravating to see these "Occupy Wall St" individuals (also called imbeciles) protest an institution that has done (and does) more for this economy than the institution they are supporting. They place the blame on their "misfortunes" on someone else instead of where the blame should really be.

Someone should tell these misinformed individuals that small businesses have generated 64% of all jobs in the last 15 years in the U.S.

Represent 99.7 percent of all employer firms.

They need to realize that banks are not making small business loans, the only place for funding right now is in Lower Manhattan and what do you want to do, impede that?

They call it an "American Revolution". Really? Is that what America is all about? "I deserve", "you owe me"

Here is the list of Occupy Wall Street's 13 demands (ironic it's 13). They left out one demand that's essential for this, an endless supply of money tree seeds. Their thinking is that the government has an endless supply of money and that these demands are owed to them.

Think these guys aren't a little nutty? Here's one demand "Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all".

Yes, there were individuals that took advantage of the system, not just on Wall Street, but in almost EVERY industry during the boom. So these people want to choke the only source of funding we have in the US?

Do these people realize that they threaten the jobs of people not making millions on Wall St?

If you want to blame someone for not having a job, blame yourself. If you have the energy and time to spend protesting, you have the time to create a job. I didnt say find, but CREATE a job.

Cain is right. "Don't blame Wall Street," Cain said. "Don't blame the big banks. If you don't have a job and you're not rich, blame yourself." (source CNN) This guy overcame far greater obstacles than these protesters.

There's a huge resource available for everyone to get re-educated. If you have the time to tweet or post on Facebook, you have the time to learn a new skill. There are umpteen sites out there that teach you ways to make money using the Net. None of them suggest wasting your time with online games or social media.

The Internet affords anyone to learn a new skill. The biggest library in the world is open 24/7 and it's free. Take advantage of it by educating yourself, instead of blaming someone else for your situation.

As MJ Demarco calls this the Law of Victims. "everyone has a solution to their problems but them. And their problems? Not their fault. Nope someone else is to blame. Instead of looking within, they look outward and project responsibility to some other entity.

If you want to earn a salary, or generate income, "raise your value to society"

It's disturbing to see members of Congress actually encouraging this behavior.  I guess these individuals dont mind other outrageously overpaid millionaires joining their movement.

When you rely on others for your happiness and fortunes, you are in big trouble.

The tool that turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2 years.

Should This Be The New Apple Logo?

Should this be the new Apple Logo? or at least for one year?

Yes or No?

How to spot trends and breakthrough technologies.

How Many Jobs Could Be Created WIth $528 Million?

 Just pondering.

I'm wondering how many small businesses and jobs could be created with $528m if the AmeriCAN (Capitalism America Needs) program was in place?

The tool that turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2 years.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

The $35 Tablet Threatens Several Industry Players

What would happen if a $35 tablet was introduced in the US?

Here's official proof that the PC/laptop is a commodity and that the players that provide the components inside should start looking at other businesses.

India announces $35 tablet for rural poor.

the Aakash has a color screen and provides word processing, Web browsing and video conferencing. The Android 2.2-based device has two USB ports and 256 megabytes of RAM.

All the computing will soon take place on the cloud. The PC is essentially "dumb".

The tool that turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2 years.

Another Tell For The Next Investing Boom

Just another sign that we are starting to see The Next Investing Boom emerge. 

Establishing the infrastructure to support personalized medicine, creating a quick development pathway for therapies and improving the medical-device review process are among the major actions the Food and Drug Administration outlined in a new report released Wednesday designed to spur innovation.

The report was released on the same day the journal Health Affairs and the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress sponsored a briefing on Capitol Hill about personalized medicine, which tailors medical treatment to the individual characteristics of each patient. (source Modern Healthcare)

The tool that turned $10,000 into $2,800,000 in 2 years.