Monday, November 20, 2006

Frapple Links Code Words To WebSites

I recently discussed how search engines will offer specific words (LINK words) that would link a user directly to a targeted site. This isn't search, but connect.

Frapple (Follow the Red Apple) has created a static print to internet linking system that directs prospects and customers to relevant information quickly and efficiently.

Every static document, whether it be an ad, label, television commercial, billboard, manual. Real estate listings. classified ads, clothing labels, product manuals, replacement parts, travel brochures, catalogs, and auto sales are just some of the examples where people can enter a Frapple Code and be directed to a specific website.

They even have a mobile site that offers the ability to FIND a site...
Try NFL, or SOUP1 in their FIND window here

Campbell's sold like 30 million cans of tomato soup last year. Less than 1% know there are 1183 recipes, for Tomato soup alone, on their website. You think if more people knew, and it was easy to access, they would possibly sell a few million more cans of soup? And what about the other 100 or so varieties.

Tracking click-throughs has never been easier. Run the same ad in various publications with different frapple codes to determine effectiveness.


Frapple Corporate and Real Estate link tags are $20.00 per code, per year. A residential Real Estate Agent package, with 5 link tags and 4, 3" square, sign decals per link (total 20 decals), is available for $125.00.

While I think the application and concept is terrific, there is little barrier to entry. I thought about this idea a while back. A couple things stopped me. This is a commodity and it would take quite an effort to become "The Code Portal". I would always be at the mercy of a major search engine or portal introducing the same service.


Anonymous said...

I see the Toronto Star launched a Web ID system in their classified section ... what a joke, newspaper folks just don't get it!

First their is no mention of WebID when you are at the classifieds home page, secondly, when you entered the Web Id code, they force a registration to view.

But this is the best, when you are looking at the item being advertised, yeah the one that some poor soul paid real money for, right on the same page, there are commercial ads (with pictures) for products similar to the advertised product!

I can hear the newspaper pitch to advertisers. "We are gonna let poor saps pay for ads that will link to pages where your new stuff will look soooo much better."

The ad I looked at was for a nice looking table and chairs, and right below it a retail store ad for table and chairs. If I was the classified advertiser, this would drive me bonkers. Uh, excuse me Toronto Star, how do you spell refund?

Linking is great, but if The Star keeps up this nonsense, the classifed ads section will be a lisiting in the obituary. Ever hear about peeing in the pool?

From what I understand the frapple system is a pure link engine, no ads or distractions. Frapple just takes you to information without even opening a new browser window.

Go gettem frapple!

Les Miserable said...

I'm linking 3 song lyric words to websites and blogs with YouAreWhatYouBeat ;-)