From What Japan Thinks a survey was done asking what people use and want on their mobile phone

From the total of 300 people, 234 of them, or 78%, used their camera once a month or more.
Q1: Please tell me all the things you use your mobile phone camera for. (Sample size=234, multiple answer)
Votes Percentage
Still camera 233 99.6%
Bar code or QR code reader 131 56.0%
Moving picture camera 113 48.3%
OCR 21 9.0%
Other 1 0.4%
A bar code reader used more than video.
American Idol did a great job of introducing text messaging to the masses, maybe Kelly Clarkson could put 2d codes on her marketing material.
Wow! It's working. I could decipher your QR Code with our reader;)
Can you read any of these ?
Brand Attention is at the forefront of QR Code internet, search engine and mobile web marketing. Brand Attention’s tailored solutions aim to increase brand visibility, and promote sustainable growth through a wide span of new media formats. Our client offering is achieved through utilising Brand Attention’s vast expanse of technological, marketing and design expertise, whilst promoting the importance of campaign measurability, communication, ethics and creativity.
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