Friday, April 08, 2005

The Promised Land

From Study tells marketeres to pick up the cell phone .

WHILE 80 PERCENT OF WORLDWIDE consumers sleep with their cell phones on, and some even admit to answering cell calls during sex, a new study by BBDO has found that marketers would be mistaken to read such promiscuous cell phone behavior as an invitation to advertise via mobile phones so casually.

Perhaps even more surprising than the "one in five" of those who claimed they have engaged in something we'll just call "cellus interruptus" is the main difference between Americans and the rest of the world when it comes to cell phone advertising.

While the numbers in America were practically nonexistent,(because you can't measure something that isn't available) outside the United States, 53 percent of the respondents in the other 14 countries surveyed said they have acted on a brand promotion they received on their cell phone. Overall, the study, which was conducted in conjunction with the Omnicom Group's sister direct marketing agency Proximity, looked at 3,000 individuals.

Fifty three percent acted on a brand promotion on their cell phone... An advertiser's dream.

This is why I have been harping on Google, and other search engines, to find a way to get on the phone. Once they do, advertisers will be more willing to shift their dollars this way

"While new technology--especially in the case of cell phones--offers a unique new opportunity for brands to engage with consumers on a more personal, intense level, a more balanced relationship based on permission, respect, on-going dialogue, valuable creative content and entertainment will result in consumers who are more likely to behave as advocates for their brands," said Valerie Accary, managing director-multinational clients, BBDO Europe.

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