Sunday, April 24, 2005

Targeted Ads On TV

Leave it to FOX to think outside the box. The next trend will be interactive TV ads. I know who the players are in that space.

From Fox set to launch 'adjustable' TV ads .

The unfashionable 30-second television ad is about to get a makeover.

In a move that could help redefine broadcast-TV advertising, News Corp.'s Fox plans to offer marketers tweakable ads -- spots that can be digitally altered to contain elements relevant to particular viewers at the time they are seen.

A beer company, for instance, could have actors refer to the particular teams in a sporting event. Or a soup marketer's ads could cite cold temperatures outside in an effort to sell more of its product

The 30 second TV ad may be on life support, but it isn't dead yet. Finally some thinking "outside the Box".

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