From Netcraft VeriSign acquires Weblogs.com, declares war on splogs
This is great. Splogs are spam posted as comments on blogs. The key to a successful blog is interaction with the readers, splogs makes managing a blog much harder.
VeriSign has acquired Weblogs.com, the primary weblog "ping" service tracking how often weblogs are updated.
VeriSign's purchase of Weblogs.com from founder Dave Winer is all about infrastructure. "For a long time, ping servers could be stood up as a single box running on a fast business DSL connection," noted VeriSign's Mike Graves on the company's Infrablog.
When most blogs are updated, they send a ping via XML-RPC to Weblogs.com, which generates a list of the latest blog posts. This data is monitored by search engines like Google, as well as blog and RSS search tools like Feedster and Bloglines, which then can spider the updated sites to keep their listings current.
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