Nestle Crunch and Napster have a marketing campaign that looks great except for one key element. It's a campaign involving today's technology using marketing from the 70's
Pick up a NESTLÉ CRUNCH Bar Look for specially marked NESTLÉ Candy bars with the special Napster logo on the front. No purchase necessary
Unwrap to see if you've won. Unwrap your bar to see if yours states "Congratulations"
Redeem your prizes. Once you’ve got your winning wrapper just send it in to claim your prize (here's the problem)
Winner must mail the entire original winning game wrapper (keep a photocopy for your records) along with your name, address and phone number on a 3" x 5" card by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested to: Nestlé Finders Keepers Instant Win Game, P.O. Box 1571, Young America MN, 55594-1571
Does anyone see the big pitfall with this campaign and where they could have had a great one instead?

The two audiences they have targeted are kids and the 18-34 yr old group. How many of these even write letters anymore or could tell you what a 3x5 card is? This audience LIVES online and has their cell phone with them at all times.
Here's what you do instead. Nestle gets the short code "CRUNCH" and when the winner opens up the winning candy bar wrapper, they send a SMS to "CRUNCH" with their name address as subject. The winner is notified via mail, email or a text message.
Just like that you got permission to market to most valuable demographic.
By having the winner send a 3x5 card what does Nestle expect to do with that data?
I'm thinking of how Napster could utilize that mobile phone data, are you?
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