Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Will Google Offer Mobile Words?

Here's a Pondering Primate Prediction.

Google has made it clear they want to offer all forms of advertising. Besides having the PC search engine of choice, there is one thing (well one obivious thing) that Google has been offering for some time that Microsoft hasn't offered, and I haven't seen any buzz they will either.

Google has an SMS platform.

You know Pontiac's TV commercial that says something like "Just Google Pontiac" for info? Google could sell words, but only trademarked ones, to advertisers to put a trademarked word search at the top.

The next type of advertising I think you see from TV commercials is "Text P, or Pontiac to 46645 (GOOGL) for more information".

Google starts selling keywords for their SMS platform that will connect the text messager to the desired site, a Google Link.
The keyword when sent via SMS, will respond with the specific site of choice, but Google could also add a "mobile keyword" tag on their main search page.

Magazines, TV ads, radio will start referring consumers to Google Words, or Mobile Keywords.

Thoughts, comments?

10 comments: said...

This sounds like such a no-brainer, the question is why have they not done it. Why leave this to qtags or other players?

The response to 'help' sent to 46645 is two messages.
First: "(1/2)Use Google SMS to get business and phone book listings, movie showtimes, directions, weather forecasts, stock quotes, definitions and translations."
Second: "(2/2)send 'local','phone','directions','movie', 'weather', 'stock', 'price', 'glossary' or 'translate' fo more information. Send 'tips' for shortcuts."

Send 'pontiac' to 46645 and get reply message "Looking for map of 'Pontiac, MI? Unfortunately map information is not available through SMS."

This is the problem. If you use mobile sms search to cover too many topics, including locations and brands and ten other topics, then service does not have context and does not return appropriate response. In sms response it must be result not results (10 natural on first page, and 10 sponsored as well).

Anonymous said...

What's Google's market share---around 50%? What should Pontiac do for those using Yahoo (or Yahoo's mobile) at 35% or so market share? Or using MSN (or MSN mobile) with just 15% or so market share? Should Pontiac PAY for 'Pontiac' to all three Search/Navigation alternatives to get to Pontiac's special mobile website. I think Pontiac would be better served using a universal platform, easily downloaded, that would get anyone with a cellphone to Pontiac's chosen website with only ONE payment for the Keyword--the one that I own because it's trademarked. Seems like I would be getting hijacked by 3 hijackers LOL. Perhaps better than click fraud but not the ideal solution IMO. Show me better, faster, cheaper please.

Anonymous said...

To last anonymous: I don't understand your arguement. What pondering primate is suggesting is like keyword model in sponsored search. Type 'pontiac' in google or yahoo search and you will see top sponsored result of They are paying all those hijackers, even though is first natural search result.

Anonymous said...

Don't think PP is thinking sponsored "search"...but "keyword" navigation. They're different....and the fact that "Pontiac" is paying "ALL" these hijackers for Sponsored Search is THE ripoff IMO that Keyword Navigation can help all brand/trademark owners avoid-- whether on a mobile device (or PC/Mac for that matter).

Anonymous said...

PP: Can you explain what is the difference between "sponsored search" and "keyword navigation." I am obviously confused.

No Name said...

Let me clarify.

Im Pontiac and I pay Google for the use of my word "pontiac" in all ad campaigns.

When I tell people to TEXT the word PONTIAC to 46645, they get specific info (a site, a coupon etc).

I doubt people will be typing in Pontiac for directions. In this case a Google Mobile word is used specifically for info...(pun intended).

Let's try pizza or Pizza1, hotpizza, companies can buy or be assigned a specific keyword that can be used specifically for text requests.

Dominos buys pizza and they announce on radio "text hotpizza to 46645 GOOGL for a 2 for 1 coupon"

Every print ad would put their Google Word on the ad so viewers could get specific info from that ad.

Search versus navigation is a difft story. When Google can pinpoint your location using GPS, they will know the difference.

Keep this in mind, they could separate the two (search versus info request) based on if you use their WAP search page or SMS function.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Shafer, isn't there a better way of achieving such directed navigations via keywords? A proprietary method that YOU introduced me to on this very site almost two years ago? Yes, there is, and it's coming. Texting will be looked back on as tedius. And you know it. So why are you not talking about it?


No Name said...


I don't understand what "directed navigations via keywords" means, maybe you meant to say "direct connection via keywords"?

Texting is here today. It works on almost every phone and the data costs are minimal for users.

Tomorrow I will post a story that highlights the uphill battle mobile marketing companies are facing when selling a simple text message campaign.

The Pondering Primate and Visionary Innovations are educating the companies that need to implement mobile campaigns.

Rome wasn't burnt in a day, and as I have said many times before..

"the longer it takes for a disruptive technology to take hold, the bigger impact it will have"

Anonymous said...

PP: What's your take on premium vs. non-premium information?

Anonymous said...

What I find interesting is how over the horizon your thinking has been. Each time I click one of you links back tracking to one of you previous "ponderings" I am reminded how forward thinking
the "primate" is. What you blogged
four to eight months ago rings
germane today.This goes to your "the longer it takes for disruptive technology to take hold, the bigger the impact it will have"
By the way nice PUN-(four)4INFO.
Enough sunshine pumping.