Friday, August 12, 2005

Barcode SMS Or Mobile Bar Coding

Barcode SMS or mobile bar coding

Barcode encoding of products is one of the most widely used technologies in the world today. Walk into a shopping center and every product contains a barcode which is scanned with a scanner at the till. Simple. Convenient. Easy.

SMS warehouse joined the MBTA alliance to bring Barcode SMS also known as mobile bar coding to the market place.

1. What is mobile bar coding?Mobile bar coding takes place when a bar code in the form of a picture SMS is delivered to a mobile phone. The following are examples of such picture SMS. Recipients save the image, arrive at the destination (please see applications) and present their bar code SMS to be scanned.

Mobile bar coding applications:

Propriety printed media:Use mobile bar coding as business cards, tickets (e-ticketing), billing, coupons, gift certificates and more. Mobile advertising of products:Discount vouchers on beverages, CD's, books, games and more. Client presents his mobile phone at pay point - bar code is scanned and discount processed. Mobile bar coding during events:Ease the administration tasks during events - whether it is a cycle race, running event or conference. Example: Delegates sign up and pay online via a web site. As confirmation they receive a barcode on their mobile. The delegate save the file on their phones and produce it upon registration at the event. Mobile bar coding used for public transport:Users purchase a month ticket - they receive a barcode on their mobile phones which they save - every time they enter the bus their phone is scanned and the trip deducted from the month ticket.

Other questions:

Do you use MMS to send the barcodes?MMS is not used with mobile bar coding. The barcodes are sent with technology known as EMS so the hand sets do not have to be MMS compatible.

Do I need a special scanner?1 D bar codes could be scanned with a normal scanner. 2D barcodes will require a 2D scanner. So it basically depends on the customer requirement.

How do I get more information?Mobile bar coding requires customization for each client based on their special needs. Clients interested in implementing bar code SMS have to sign a non-disclosure agreement with us after which we will require a scope of work based on the nature of the project and then we will provide a proposal including a quote

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sounds exactly like the Mobiqa product!