Next, I find an application that allows me to generate revenues that both my subscribers AND advertisers could utilize.
Mobile service providers have to realize that they have an enormous untapped database that the Googles can’t touch, yet. Use that to your advantage while you still can.
Did you know there are over 3B unique web portals out there that can’t be accessed by the Explorer, Navigator, Firefox etc?
Sprint, Verizon etc have the unique ability to link 3B plus portals and generate revenues to do this.

If you told Google they could provide 3B plus sites in their database and sell advertising on them, would they find a way to tap into them?
These unique portals can:
Download a song from any CD
Register for a rebate
List allergic contents
Buy concert tickets
Put an item up on eBay
Provide bus schedule
Connect a call with a service rep
These portals will be open soon, but will the service providers be smart enough to offer it? This represents an incredible opportunity, but will they be too late?
The fear service providers should have, is a company introducing a platform that allows these portals to be accessed, while using my network. Not only am I not generating any revenues from this data application, but my backbone is being used for this. The SP provides the highway, but never collects a toll.
That’s not even the biggest problem. Once a consumer accesses these portals, a direct connection is made with a brand/advertiser, and the service provider doesn’t stand a chance at tapping into mobile marketing dollars.
There are 3 ways a SP can generate revenues from this application. Will they see it?
Here’s what I see. The closer we get to a 3rd party introducing this application on a grand scale, the service providers make a mad dash to introduce it on all of their Web enabled phones.
So service providers listen up. It’s time to put away the small- minded ringtone mentality and think big. Because if you don’t act soon, somebody else will.
In case you haven’t figured out how to get access to those portals, every packaged good has a hyperlink, you just need a camera phone.