I'm happy that he considers The Pondering Primate one of them.

The 32-year-old Mr. Shah, a co-founder of the Palo Alto, Calif., company, says he relies greatly on blogs and other Web sites to keep pace with the constantly changing wireless internet.
-Search Engine Watch "This is the place to go for news on search, Internet and mobile. The blog is a bit Google-centric, but what media coverage isn't these days? It's a wealth of information updated daily."
-Silicon Beat "Matt Marshall and Michael Bazeley offer daily updates on Silicon Valley happenings. It's great to be plugged into the Silicon Valley scene. This site provides daily updates on venture capitalists, financings and other interesting start-up news. Cool thing is they don't let in-progress stories get lost; they'll bring them back and keep people up-to-date."
-Textually.org "Emily Turrettini in Geneva created this site about texting, SMS and MMS. It's the most comprehensive Web site related to mobile-data communications. The site aggregates news ranging from new consumer trends and habits to creative corporate-marketing initiatives, to generally interesting statistics. It's a goldmine for people in the mobile-messaging space."
-Technorati "We rely a lot on word-of-mouth to grow our user base and this blog helps us achieve our goals. Technorati searches more search engines than any other site. Technorati easily tracks our (and our competitors') news and happenings."
-Techdirt "This site has put together a group of highly respected analysts to uncover and comment on news, including the latest in wireless. They cut through the nonsense and give cutting, straight-to-the-point analysis, usually in a single paragraph."
-Pondering Primate "Listed as one of the most important mobile blogs, Pondering Primate keeps visitors apprised of mobile happenings. Insightful contributors make this an interesting read."
-Slashdot "Any tech nerd knows this site and has spent time on the message boards. It covers a broad range of topics and a lot of secrets are unveiled here. I think this site has the most contributors; they're easily the most challenging and thought-provoking. I love the message boards."
The fullWSJ story
1 comment:
hi ,
the link has an issue. It has this sites url appended to it.
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