This is a great idea. Assign a 2d code (Semacode) to a Wikipedia article. Your camera phone can link to the article when you click on the code.
The physical world is getting connected.
Our goal is to connect the virtual world with the physical world by bringing the best information from the internet to the relevant place in physical space.

We do this by combining the physical annotation technology of semacode with the availability of high quality information using the free encyclopedia Wikipedia.
Imagine your cellphone as your smart travelguide. Promise is to provide free relevant ad-hoc high quality information to mobile users in the real world
See the sightings listed.
When you attach tags or find tags please take a picture and send it to the photo sharing service flickr and tag it with "semapedia".
That way eveybody can see your installations. Also tagging it with "wikipedia:YourURL" is even better, tells what URL to picture and tag are referring to
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